Lazy Oaf, watermelon skirt, melon skirt, fruits in fashion
My watermelon skirt from Lazy Oaf
fingernails, melon, pink
Fingernails can dress up as watermelons too
Vivette, melon, Tatty Devine, Monki, fruits in fashion
Other watermelon fashion: Skirt/dress from Vivetta, bag from Monki, hat and necklace from Tatty Devine

The melon stands as a symbol for erotic, freshness and luck in love life. If I see a watermelon I have to think about summer instantly. Refreshing yourself with a piece of watermelon is the second best thing you can do in hot weather. The very best thing is to dress up and transform yourself into a melon!

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my Lost Fashion Treasures, things no longer available to buy but I really regret not having. One of them was the quirky watermelon skirt from Lazy Oaf. Last week a little miracle happened: Lazy Oaf had three of them back in stock and one of them is my treasure now. I love that the skirt transforms you into a melon, instead of just showing a fruit pattern.

I was browsing to find some other examples of watermelons in fashion, all of them from the latest collections, ready to order and brighten up your wardrobe: If you want melon clothes with a less cartoonlike look, I would recommend you the pretty dress or skirt on the picture above from the italian label Vivetta. Showing your love for the sweet fruit in accessories is possible with melon jewellery from Tatty Devine or a clutch from Monki.

So what are you waiting for? Dress as a fruit and have fun!


  1. ohhhh supermegaherzig:D
    tihihi <3
    glitzer solls für dich regnen 🙂 *frshfrsh*

  2. Wow, der Jupe ist ja wirklich einfach goldig!!!! <3 Und er passt absolut perfekt zu deinem Typ!!!! lg Charlene

  3. Wuuuuh,
    ich bin total begeistert von deinem Rock.
    Mehr Früchte in Fashion 😉
    Hab gestern bei NYer auch Melonenkosmetiktäschchen und Ohrringe gesehen.

    Schönes Wochenende.

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