Batman, Lazy Oaf, outfit, bow
Batgirl is happy that she found her perfect bodysuit.

Lazy Oaf, Batman, Bow
Dressed as a heroine the adventures in the city may begin.
Lazy Oaf, Batman, Melissa, Gradient Tights
Someone needs to watch over the city.
Lazy Oaf, Batman, Tenebris, Melissa
Maybe Batman will come around and join me.
Lazy Oaf, Batman, outfit, Melissa
Are there any bad guys out there?
Tenebris, jewellery, lace ring
I catch any villain for sure with my claws.
batman, outfit
When everything is calm and silent I disappear between the buildings, into the darkness.
Melissa, shoes, jelly
The city is safe during Batgirl’s watch and everyone can live without fear.

A mighty hero has special abilities and uses them to save the city and humanity. Who doesn’t adore the comic heroes and heroines such as Batman, Spiderman or Wonder Woman? They experience amazing stories, full of tension and valour. From all the comic book heroes, Batman has always been my favourite. He has style, elegance and he can melt into the shadows with his cool black suit. Batman drives the coolest Cars and he lives in a huge manor. He’s a true Mister Perfect, don’t you think? My excitement for this character was awaken again when Christopher Nolan’s third Batman movie was close to come to the cinema.

A few weeks ago, Lazy Oaf announced their release of a Batman Collection. Of course I had to go for something from this collection straight away. There are many beautiful clothes and accessories for men and women, which made the decision difficult. In the end, my choice fell to this marvellous bodysuit. Every real heroine needs a bodysuit, don’t you think? Heroines don’t wear shirts, but always skintight suits.

Last weekend, my darling and me went to see the new Batman movie. Me in this outfit, he went for a batman t-shirt as well. People must have thought us being the biggest fans in the cinema. I am very glad that the movie didn’t disappoint us and I can proudly continue to wear my suit.

The Batman logo from the 90s is shown on the suit and I must say, I still prefer this to the new version of the logo. This one puts me back into the bubbly fantasy world of Tim Burton’s Batman. It’s far more colourful and quirky than Christopher Nolan’s more realistic version. If I would be in Burton’s Batman universe, I would be a bad, bad Batgirl and take the Penguin’s swan boat out for a ride, invite Michelle Pfeiffer dressed as Catwoman to join me and listen to David Bowie’s song “Heroes” together.

Which is your favourite comic book hero and are you in love with the Lazy Oaf’s Batman Collection too?

My Outfit:
Batman Bodysuit: Lazy Oaf, Skirt: Cos, Gradient Tights: Ebay, Bow Headband: Topshop, Shoes: Melissa, Rings: Tenebris


  1. dein blog ist einfach der oberhammer! ich liiiiebe deine verrückten outfits! wusste gar nicht dass ich dir nicht folge :O naja hab das direkt mal geändert (:

    xx leandra melanie

  2. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar, deine Worte haben mich sehr gefreut. Der Post ist ja wohl mal der Oberhammer, sehr sehr cool! lg

  3. Absolut cool, geil, hammer was auch immer 🙂 Mag Menschen mit so verrückten aber guten Ideen, leider gibt es nur wenige davon* Hast ne neue Followerin, LG Kira


  4. Bin gerade über deinen Blog gestolpert und bin total begeistert! Ich weiß, das hat nun nichts mit diesem einen Posting hier zu tun, aber ich wollte es nur mal gesagt haben. 😉
    Als Batmanfan finde ich dieses Outfit speziell allerdings natürlich besonders großartig *g*

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