Lazy Oaf, fruits in fashion, summer look, tutti frutti fashion
Melons, bananas, grapes or strawberries? Let’s start with a juicy piece of melon.
Lazy Oaf, fruits in fashion, summer look, tutti frutti fashion
Can’t decide if I should use the melon as a fascinator or eat it. But it smells so delicious…
Carmen Miranda, Lazy Oaf, fashion, Summer look
Perfect summer feelings and the right weather to show a little bit more skin than usual.
flowers in the hair, statement earrings, Carmen Miranda, Frida Kahlo
Feeling a little bit like a blond version of Frida Kahlo with all the flowers in my hair and huge earrings.
Melissa shoes, Lazy Oaf, Multi Fruits, fruits in fashion
Two ways to wear the fruit t-shirt.
Lazy Oaf, fruits in fashion, multi fruits, fashion
A ring like a ripe, purple grape and loads of bangles for much bling-bling in your life.
melon handbag, Lazy Oaf, melon clutch
A melon not meant to eat, but to carry your belongings. There is even a melon-shaped purse hidden inside.
What is the acme of happiness? Maybe it’s something simple: Sometimes I imagine it’s a bowl of colourful and funny fruits sharing each others company. What could be merrier and filled with more lust for life? Fruits always seem to me like happy little things, healthy all over and always smiling at me. No matter if bananas, melons, strawberries, pineapples or grapefruits, they all have interesting shapes and very joyful colours.
That’s exactly why I love this mixed fruit t-shirt from Lazy Oaf so much: It’s covered in fruits all over and brings fun into every wardrobe. The design reminds me of my teenage years with it’s clearly 90s inspired style. While wearing it, I instantly feel better all the time. The fruits seem to enlighten and brighten up my mind and skin. Being dressed in brown and beige is really not my cup of tea, I prefer going crazy for melons and bananas!
Besides the 90s I have to think of cheeky Carmen Miranda a lot, while wearing this outfit. The gorgeous and unforgettable lady with the Tutti Frutti hat. In case you haven’t seen her in her fabulous hat, now is the moment! This video is so amazing, everyone should watch it at least once in a lifetime. I regret that I didn’t think about her, when I wrote my post about “Fabulous Hats in Movies” (sadly it’s in German for all the English readers). This breathtaking hat should have been in the Top Three! My mixed fruit t-shirt is clearly not as extravagant as her hats, but perfect for a day at work or in the city, just for every day! Go for one too if you could use a little bit of happiness in your wardrobe!

My Outfit:
Mixed Fruit Crop T-Shirt: Lazy Oaf, Pants: H&M, Melon Bag and Purse: H&MShoes: Melissa via Mirapodo, Ring: Vintage, Bangles: H&M, Tights: H&M


    • Das freut mich, es gibt kaum etwas tolleres als andere Menschen glücklich zu machen! Lieben Dank und weiterhin viel Inspiration und gute Laune, Sara xx

  1. woooah ich WILL das shirt!! aber ich ka die website irgendwie nit öffne.. -.- du hesch sone abartig geile style! ich liebs wenn lütt eifach so umelaufe wies ihne gfallt! es sött viel meh vo dene geh 😀 ah und was ich au moll ha wölle sage: du söttsch mind s 10fache an followers ha! (:

    xx leandra melanie

    • This comment made my day! Vielen, vielen Dank! An den 10x mehr Followers arbeite ich noch 😉 Liebe Grüsse, Sara xx

  2. Was sind das den wieder für absolut perfekte Bilder!!! Abgesehen vom Outfit das natürlich wieder eins A zusammen passt, von Kopf bis zur Sohle, ist sogar die Hauswand, Fensterläden in den passenden Farben, perfekt! 🙂
    Für din liebe Kommentar bi mir dank ich Dir ganz fescht! Ha mi sehr gfreut drüber! Lg Kira *schuhReich*

    • Vielen Lieben Dank für die vielen Komplimente! Es freut mich dass du sogar gemerkt hast, dass die Hauswand zum Outfit passt, es musste etwas gesucht werden bis die passende Wand zu finden war 😉 Liebe Grüsse, Sara xx

  3. die Fotos sind wirklich super geworden,
    dass du das Shirt mit einer echten Melone zusammen "präsentierst" find ich wirklich witzig und passend 🙂

  4. Oh man i find din style sooo soo soo toll. So richtig erfrischend halt!

    … und i find dich sehr schön gschminkt übrigens!

  5. I just ran across your blog and it's simple delicious! 🙂 Wow! I love fashion blogs, but only follow about 3. I tend to be picky…I like following bizarre blogs that are different from all others. Yours totally fits the bill! 🙂

    Looking forward to seeing more of your posts! 🙂

  6. Maybe start off by hiring a space in a local store, set up a some shelf space and sell your own t-shirts with your own unique designs printed on them.teeript

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