Joanna Pybus, fashion, eyes, eye balls
Shaggy Jumper, trousers and applique eyes top: Joanna Pybus, available at Bengt.
Eye necklace: Asos. Googley eye clutch: Asos. Eyeball Ring: Me & Zena.

Do you often have the experience of strange people staring at you on the street? Then it’s time to stare back! There is something you could call an invasion of comical eyes in fashion and I love it. There are eyes on jumpers, handbags and accessories, all a little bit whimsical. They seem to twinkle with humour and ask to take them out.

Especially the jumper and the top on the picture above make my heart beat faster. Both of them are designed by London based Joanna Pybus. Her fashion is a true pop culture statement and inspired by postmodernism. Joanna Pybus graduated from the University of East London this year and the pieces shown here are part of her first collection called “Splice me”. It looks like a very promising debut in my opinion and I would love to get my hands on a piece of this collection. I will definitely keep an eye on her (hopefully while wearing one of her jumpers together with some eye jewellery ;-)).

What do you think about eyes and eyeballs in fashion, is it your cup of tea?


  1. Das ist wieder Sara :-)))) Leider kann ich zuwenig Englisch als dass ich alles verstehen könnte… aber der letzte Satz hab ich verstanden 🙂 Die Hose wäre ganz mein Ding aber sonst… (bin zu alt) kann es mir aber gut, sehr gut an Dir vorstellen!
    Gaaaanz en liebe Gruess*
    Kira schuhReich

  2. I think I'd feel rather uncomfortable myself wearing something like this. But I rather like the tops; the ring, however, is too realistic for my taste – looks as though the eyeballs have just been cut out of a body… 😉

  3. Haha wie cool, der weiße Pullover gefällt mir am besten! Aber ansonsten bin ich nicht so der "Augen"-Fan, mag generell eher keine Prints ^^

    Liebe Grüße,

  4. Hello dear! I'm back to the blogging world!! So sorry I haven't seen you in a while! :))

    Well, I actually wore one of those eye catching accessories today!! :)) I wore the most darling poncho I have ever seen. I'm from Mexico and they only sell those for tourists…lol But since I live in Seattle now, I thought it might be fun to wear one :)) So I did! With skinny red jeans..and I found to my surprise that I got tons of compliments on them! :))

  5. I love your blouse and green tights! :))

    I love designs that have the closed eye and the long eyelashes. That's particularly chic !! 🙂


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