bat jumper, gothic, look, halloween
Buh! This is Halloween!
bat jumper, cross belt, veiled hat, halloween
Beware of the bat, it’s coming for you on dark wings.
veiled hat, red lips, dramatic look, leather gloves
A dramatic hat and black gloves are Halloween musts!
cross belt, Urban Outfitters, gold, fashion
Do you believe crosses keep away the nasty vampires?
Voegele, shoes, red, dots
Shiny shoes as red as blood.

Tomorrow the moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here: It’s Halloween and time to dress as a hungry zombie, an evil ghost or Chucky the killer doll. Did you already dress up and go to a Halloween party? I was on a very cool one last Saturday. Together with my love (dressed as a Star Trek spaceship commander) and one of my very best friends (both of us dressed as evil Catwoman twins) I had a lot of fun. We already have a big list of costume ideas for next year and I can’t wait to dress up as a spooky creature again.

The outfit I’m showing you here is not a look for a creepy party, but my attempt to bring a little bit of Halloween feeling into everyday life. Why should it stop just after the party? It’s just so much fun to continue!

When I saw this bat jumper at HM I knew it would be perfect. I love bats and I think this one is very cute. The jumper reminds me a little bit of the cool designs from Markus Lupfer and it’s very soft and cosy. I combine it with a cross belt (to keep away the vampires, you know…) and a fringe skirt from Asos. The fringes remind me a little bit of the ones sometimes hanging from the walls in ghost rides. Of course lips and accessories need to be red as blood to complete the look and there is now way around a black veil on a dramatic hat. 
Ready like this, the daily dose of Halloween can start, don’t you think? Let’s get spooky!
By the way: If you want to see my Halloween outfit, I might show it on the Facebook page if you ask nicely 😉

My Outfit: 
Jumper: HM, Skirt: Asos, Belt: Urban Outfitters, Shoes: A gift from Vögele Shoes, Gloves: from Brick Lane/London, Hat: from Camden/London

Get the Look:


  1. Der Hut und die Handschuhe sind gaaaanz meins 🙂 Siehst wieder toll aus, wie immer! Seh ich das richtig, spike Strümpfe? Coooool, ebe Sara :-)))
    Liebe Gruess Kira xoxo

  2. I love vampires and, therefore, I love bats. My favourite part of this outfit is the hat. Simply gorgeous! And your Catwoman costume was to die for!

  3. This is marvellous doll, I love it :)) Love the tights and the bat top is so so cool 🙂 You always look amazing!! I hope you enjoy your Halloween time 😉 Lots of love doll xx

  4. toller Gürtel, Rock und Pulli! Ach Quatsch, alles ist genial! Was, du bist in Appenzell aufgewachsen? Im Ernst? 😀 Sag mir bescheid wenn du das nächste Mal hier bist! 😉

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