shopping, haul, buys, clothes
All the things from my London shopping haul neatly arranged.

This is a sneak preview of my London shopping. If you have seen my London Wish List, you might ask why I didn’t go for more from the list. Unfortunately, most items where sold out at all or not available in my size. The only thing I bought according to plan is the laser cut collar from Topshop (left corner on the top). I found some other beautiful things instead:

I am a proud owner of two pairs of creepers now. Shiny golden ones from Urban Outfitters and high wedge creepers bought in Camden. I seemed to have a legwear addiction as well: I bought so many socks and tights, I had to put a “legwear shopping ban”on myself. I don’t show you all of them here, you might see a few of them in outfit posts later.

My best shopping moment I had at Collectif: I transformed myself into a true 50s lady in their changing room. An absolutely divine feeling, like being reborn! I coudn’t resist to buy a hat (top center) and a black coat (bottom right corner). Despite my wish to have a colourful and extravagant coat, after being influenced by Comme des Garcons A/W 2012, I fell in love with this coat. There are dried flowers in the buttons and the cut is perfect for not especially tall girls like me. If you want to feel like a glamorous lady too, I recommend to visit Collectif!

To continue with black temptations: Many fashionistas name Atsuko Kudo, when being asked about their secret fashion dream. I was craving for something from this designer for a long time as well. The London based Japanese designer is specialized in latex couture. Someday I wish to own a Atsuko Kudo dress, for a start I treated myself with gloves and a bow choker. I love latex as a material and I think it doesn’t deserve to be restricted to dingy fetish wear.

Because it was a little bit cold to walk around the whole day in the city, I also bought a cosy jumper from Primark and a pom pom scarf from Irregular Choice (previously seen in this post). Nonetheless I was happy to return to our cosy heated home every evening. I had a wonderful time and dream of seeing London again in spring or summer.

Now I am very curious what you like best from my shopping. Please tell me!


  1. You got some wonderful purchases, I love each pieces!!Love that hat…I do love hats :)) I'm glad you had such a great time and got many wonderful treats to bring back home!! xx

  2. Ich mag besonders den Kragen, die goldenen Creepers und den Mantel. Ich suche schon ewig sowohl nach einem guten schwarzen als auch nach einem schönen bunten Mantel. Ausgefallenen Strumpfhosen kann ich auch nur selten widerstehen. Ich darf deshalb jetzt nur noch schwarze kaufen, da ich die im Winter einfach am häufigsten trage. Die bunten passen leider nur zu meinen Sommerkleidern. 🙂

  3. Wunderschöne Teile! Der Hut gefällt mir ganz besonders :-))) Hast Du einen extra Koffer mitgenommen oder gleich nur leere 😉 Toll, freue mich auf die Outfit's!
    Ganz ganz liebe Grüsse Kira ***

  4. Ich bin schon auf die Ferne total in deine großartigen Schuhe verliebt!!! Es geht doch nix über ein bisschen humorvolles Glitzer 🙂

  5. Der Mantel sieht wahnsinnig aus! Ich bin sehr gespannt darauf, dich darin zu sehen. Ja, der Schal hat sehr viel Arbeit gemacht. Wahrscheinlich bekommt ihn meine ältest e Schwester zu Weihnachten. Vielleicht schaffe ich es aber vorher noch ein paar Bilder von mir damit zu machen… 😉

  6. Watch out…I am planning to steal the sweater with the pink hearts…NOW :)))

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