Jeff Koons, Fashion, Maison Margiela, Pearls and Swine
Dear Mister Koons, may I apply as an artwork of yours?
Pearls and Swine, Jeff Koons, Disco Ball, Fascinator
I have the best qualifications: I am colourful, bright and happy.
Maison Margiela, Clutch, Candy, Pink
Of course I have a wide experience with metallic shine as well.
Jeff Koons, Pearls and Swine, Fascinator, Disco Ball
A strong pop culture inspiration belongs to my key competences.
Jeff Koons, Fashion, Metallic, Shiny
So, what do you think: OUI /NON? (Please choose OUI)
Bangle, Resin, Kate Rhode, Jewellery
If you can’t decide yet: Here is more shine to convince you.
Asos, sequin, skirt, fashion
Twinkle, twinkle, I know you can’t say no!
Maison Margiela, Jeff Koons, Fashion, Look
I have already packed my bag. See you in rainbow land!

When it comes to art, Jeff Koons is one of the first artists I mention when asked about my favorites. His work is a dance on the border between cult and kitsch to me, there is humour in it and every artwork of his seems to twinkle with one eye. Koons’ art makes me happy, like a bright outfit does. Most of my other favourite artists, create dark, disturbing or surreal work and I think this has nothing to do with my taste in fashion (expect if I am in the gothic mood, which happens every now and then). Koons’ work on the other hand, walks hand in hand with all the other things I love in life, especially my taste of fashion: It’s like a dream from a world full of rainbows.

Do you remember my Art Inspires Fashion post about Jeff Koons? I wanted to wear the outfit since I posted it and couldn’t get it out of my mind. Now the moment is here and I can finally present you me wearing the Jeff Koon’s inspired outfit. It is not exactly the proposal from that post, but a little bit a changed version.  The multi sequin skirt from Asos, the Kate Rohde bangle and the Maison Martin Margiela for HM handbag, follow exactly the inspiration post. I combine them with similar pieces as proposed from my existing wardrobe. There is even a big improvement to the inspiration post: After posting it,  Pearls & Swine created this wonderful fascinator, which reminded me of Koons’ shiny tulip sculptures at first sight.

The fascinator is the key piece of the outfit, together with the handbag. The Maison Martin Margiela for HM bag fits very well, because Koons often reproduces everyday’s objects in oversized versions. This giant candy wrap follows a similar idea. The difference between it and a Koons artwork is, that I can use it to carry around my stuff, while Koons’ colossal sculptures are released from a practical use and wait for admiration only.

I just have to say something too about the Kate Rohde bangle: It’s a magical thing and I wear it like a talisman. I can watch again and again how it looks when the sun shines on it. It’s the most amazing bangle I ever had, it looks like it was made in a crystal wonderland, where Koons’ balloon dogs chase each other playing hide and seek. All in all, this outfit is the most colourful one, I showed you for a while and I think all the strong colours have a lot of positive energy. I hope you feel it too and it makes you smile.

So now I want to hear from you: How do you like this look?

My Outfit: 
Fascinator: Pearls & Swine, Skirt: Asos, Top: Primark, 
Belt: Asos (sold out), Shoes: Bordello at Attitude Clothing
Handbag; Maison Martin Margiela for HM, Bangle: Kate Rohde at Edition X


  1. Ou man, ist das klasse! Der Gürtel sticht zwar etwas ins Auge, aber der Rest ist wirklich fabelhaft und was für'n Zufall: Ich habe genau in derselben Farbkombi meine Nägel gestern lackiert 😀

  2. Dieses Outfit ist einfach traumhaft und hat mich richtig glücklich gemacht! 😀 (und das, obwohl's mir aktuell gerade nicht wirklich gut geht) Somit ist die positive Energie zu 100% übergesprungen ^^ Ausserdem LIEBE ich die Texte unter den Bildern… Alles zusammen ist einfach unglaublich zauberhaft, genau wie du! Du bist einfach so ein Lichtblick! Hugs, Charlene <3

  3. Love so many things about this outfit! The fascinator, the candy wrapper bag and how positive it makes you feel! Thank you – def brightened up my day : )

    • I love her too and admire her from the bottom of my heart 🙂 I think we have much in common indeed her and me, but we are also different. I am glad that you found the way to both of our pages 😉 Love, Sara xx

  4. I am so delighted with your post, dear Sara, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    Love every single detail of your attire, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Pure inspiration and joy.
    Much love ALWAYS.

  5. Tolles Oberteil und die Clutch find ich einfach zucker (hätte ich auch gerne gehabt 😉 ) Also ich sag mal OUI ^^
    Happy Weekend Sara! Liebste Grüsse, Kira

  6. Ich bin mal wieder ganz begeistert von deiner Kreativität liebe Sara! Der Rock gefällt mir besonders und erinnert mich an "die Nanny" Fran Fine, eine echte Stilikone, wie ich finde. 🙂

  7. Ich teile deine Bewunderung für die Kunstwerke von Jeff Koons und finde dein Outfit ist toll gelungen. Koons sollte dich als eine Art lebendes Kunstwerk für seine nächste Ausstellung buchen – du könntest Führungen durch die Ausstellung machen, damit allen klar wird, dass du nicht nur toll aussiehst, sondern auch ganz schön was im Köpfchen hast 😉 Und was Svenja mit Nanny Fran sagt, hat was. Oh, wieso läuft diese Serie im Moment nirgends mehr…

  8. wieder mal einfach nur toll. ich mag die farben total und ich dachte auch nicht, dass jemand mit diesem MMM for H&M Clutch jemand gut aussehen könnte. aber du schaffst es 😀
    toller look, großes like !
    LG Michelle

  9. Tolle post und echt tolle Idee. Ich würde das jetzt nicht so tragen, weils meinem Geschmack eher überladen ist aber jeder trägts so wies angenehm ist 😉

    Mach weiter so! Tolle Outfits und viel Kreativität. Daumen hoch !!

    xoxo Fränky

  10. Hello my darling!! We have the same favourite picture, as I love the mermaid too, oh to have some sparkles like that, would be wonderful 🙂 I'm sorry to hear you are having a troubled time, but I am very glad my post gave you a bit of sunshine…I do hope things will brighten up for you *hug* My Friday post, was the start of my new series called, 'Wonder Women' and I am featuring great women, both famous and not-famous. I interviewed some of my blog friends (which I am still working on questions for you, I had them done & then decided I didn't like them & wanted to change them) I have interviewed some of them and will feature them on my blog very soon!! I hope you will wish to join in too, once I get your questions done :))) Do feel much better soon doll!! BIG hugs from me to you. Love xx

  11. Wow, außergewöhnlich gute Bilder mit einem noch besseren Stil!
    Ich bin auch ein großer Koons-Fan und könnte mich stundenlang vor seinen Arbeiten aufhalten!

    Super Blog!!

  12. ohhhh…i love the energy and excitement in your outfit! so much color & spunk, and you do it so naturally. 🙂 i'm drooling all over that bracelet, too. wow!

  13. Haha, I love that chair too but actually it's my sister's one! 🙂 No, I bought the shoes for about 15 Fr. haha 🙂 Love this look, for my taste it's way too "glitzy" but it suits you really good 🙂 And I love your heels!

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