Give Away, Win, Rachel's Wonders, Jewellery
I’m giving you my heart.
Give Away, Pearls, Rachel's Wonders, Jewellery
It’s pink and sparkling, do you like it?
Give Away, Heart, Rachel's Wonders, Jewellery
If you promise to take good care, it might be yours.

I have good news for you: Because it’s Valentine’s Day very soon, I want to share the love with you and give away a pearly heart necklace from Rachel’s Wonders. The necklace is handmade by Rachel and comes in a beautiful bright pink. You are the most lovely readers I can imagine and I want to bring a little bit of glitter into your life with this give away.

How to win the pearly heart necklace from Rachel’s Wonders:

1. Follow “Sara is in Love with…” on Facebook (and with GFC if you do have)

2. Leave a comment here or on Facebook and tell me, why my heart is in the perfect hands with you. Please leave your email, twitter or blog address, so I can get in touch with you if you win.
The competition closes at Sunday 24th February 2013, midnight CET. The winner will be contacted via twitter or email.
I wish you good luck and hope this heart will make one girl happy!
Thanks a lot to Rachel’s Wonders for providing the necklace for this give away.


  1. eeeeeeps! that is just the cutest necklace.
    I promise to take care of it, it's so adorable it'd be hard not too!

    twitter: @Kowareta_Doll

  2. It's beautiful doll & you look radiant too, what a sweet giveaway!! Good luck to all…your heart would be safe with me because I would hold it so dear & treasure it like a prized possession because that's what hearts our – prized possessions, I just wish more treasured them instead of things…so pretty!! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and the sun comes out to play for you 🙂 Xxxxxxxxxx Love <3

  3. I would take this wonderfull piece straight into a little place at my heart, where all my treasures are hidden. But I won´t hide it. From time to time I will take my prettiest dress, my most amazing purse and my loveliest shoes in order to make these gorgeous heart shine at my chest. And everyone will admire me for my fancy style and my big, glittery heart!!!


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