Lilac Dress: Tobi, Lilac Bag: Mod Cloth, Lilac Jelly Shoes: Topshop, Cat Dress: Romwe,
Holographic Platform Shoes: Ego and Greed at Solestruck, Kaboom Top: Topshop, Fluoro Neon Skirt: Topshop,
Bunny Ring: Irregular Choice, Pink High Heel: United Nude, Bear Bra Top: Lazy Oaf

10 Things About Lovely Sara

1. A day without chocolate is not complete for me.

2. As a teenager, I was so fascinated by the ancient Egypt, I called myself Nefertiti and knew the names of all the 188 pharaohs by heart.

3. I grew up in a beautiful Swiss farm house, but I am afraid of cows.

4. I love to sing, but don’t know if I should.

5. My scout name was Timida. It’s Italian and means “shy”.

6. I still love the Spice Girls and dream of having original 90s Buffalo shoes like Baby Spice.

7. Beige and brown are the only colours I never wear. I believe they have a bad effect on me.

8. I used to take Belly Dance lessons for many years.

9. As a child, I used to make my clothes wet at the well in front of our house, if my mother dressed me in something I didn’t like.

10. The ring tone of my phone is the title melody of the Japanese movie Papurika aka Paprika. It’s the most cheerful sound you ever heard.


  1. So nice to know these kind of random things about you! Oooh when I was a child, I was very interested in ancient Egypt too! I admired Nefertiti so much that my mother painted a portrait of her for me 🙂

  2. Auch wenn ich es nicht immer wortwörtlich verstehe so habe ich doch (so denke ich) den Inhalt verstanden :-)Ich lerne es noch!
    Der Bunny Ring muss ich mir mal genauer ansehen ;D
    Ganz liebe Grüsse sende ich Dir, Kira***

  3. Those holographic platforms are so CUTE!
    Great facts too, I really enjoyed leaning more about you 🙂
    p.s the necklace has arrived now hehe thank you so much for the extra gifts too, it's all so sweet and lovely!

  4. Wow! Tolle Fundstücke! Die Kombi aus dem gelben Rock, dem Comicshirt und den rosa
    Plateaus stell ich mir knalloballotoll vor.

    Sehr lustig übrigens: in Punkt 1, 2 und 7 deiner Facts stimmen wir 100%ig überein-
    hab sogar Archäologie studiert! In beige und braun käme ich mir vor wie meine eigene Urgroßmutter! Muss jetzt noch Schokolade essen…

    <3 GLG

  5. Gorgeous finds, love the array of colours!! The cat dress is so nice!! I love the platform soes too, I remember we had shoes like the spice girls at the time they were popular. I wish I kept those shoes, although they may not have fit any more. I hope you'll find some. Have a wonderful new week xxxLove

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