Temptress of Waikiki is an amazing new range of headwear for everyday use. The whole range is flower focused and the perfect choice for weddings, tea parties or just to look stunning. There is always the right time to crown yourself with everlasting flowers and every girl looks like a fairylike creature with flowers in her hair.

Does the name Temptress of Waikiki ring a bell in your head? It comes from the movie the Addams Family, where Gomez refers to Debbie as the “Temptress of Waikiki”. Isn’t it a sexy name? – Then hurry and turn yourself into a Temptress of Waikiki too, all you need is one of these headpieces!

I think all regular readers know already about my one and only favourite hatter in the world Pearls & Swine. When I will wear Temptress of Waikiki in the future, it doesn’t mean that I am unfaithful: It’s the second range of Pearls & Swine, featuring easy to wear pieces, while Pearls & Swine is more focused on art headpieces. What the two ranges have both in common is the high quality and workmanship.

I am lusting very much after the pink beauties, but I think my favourite is the blue headdress. The model looks just divine with it and I think so will other girls.

Visit Temptress of Waikiki or join them on Facebook.

Copyright of all pictures by Temptress of Waikiki. Photographer: Kate Elizabeth/Ellie Victoria Gale, Model: Isobel Saunders/Abyss, MUA: Jennifer Bombardiere-Lippett, Wigs: Insomnium Wigs


    • The third one is among my favourites too, but I just saw it's sold out already. But well, I am sure Bink from Temptress of Waikiki could do something similar again, if asked nicely. I adore her so much, she is the most creative and inspiring person I know. 😀 Have a wonderful week my love. <3

    • Why not my love? 😉 Headwear makes so happy, I like to wear a pretty fascinator sometimes just to be at home. xxx

  1. Aloha Sara,
    ich danke dir für diesen Post=)
    Die Dinge, die dort produziert werden sind ja einfach fantastisch!
    Habe ihn mir direkt gespeichert und wer weiß, vielleicht landet ja auch mal eines der guten Stücke bei mir daheim.
    Gibts ja so viele herrliche Fascinator und Co mit Kirschen und Muffins <3
    wünsche dir einen wunderbaren Tag
    lieben Gruß Jen

    • Liebe Jen, vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar. Meine Fascinator-Sammlung von Pearls & Swine wächst und wächst stetig. Die Qualität ist super und auf jeden Fall eine Investition wert. Wünsche mir für dich auch bald das eine oder andere Schmuckstück 😉 Ganz liebe Grüsse

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