Valeur Absolue, Review, Fragrance, Perfume
Valeur Absolue: Mood-Related fragrances with the benefit of natural ingredients.
Valeur Absolue, Sensualité, Review
All of the fragrances contain something precious in their bottle. This is “Sensualité” with mother-of-pearl.
Valeur Absolue, Harmonie, Sensualité, Review
On the right you see “Harmonie” with amethyst.
Review, Valeur Absolue, fragrance, Harmonie
All on the left is “Joie-Eclat” with mother-of-pearl.

Let me tell you about Valeur Absolue, a new Swiss perfume brand that claims to bring you more than just perfumes. “Valeur Absolue is a name that implies something that is absolutely essential and ultimately worthy”says Bénédicte Foucart, president and CEO of the company about their products. Valeur Absolue are three perfumes made from the best natural integrants and all of them mood-related. They all contain Areaumat Perpetua, a natural extract which stimulates the so called “well-being” molecules.

Valeur Absolue Harmonie
This scent is like a calming tea ritual and based around musk. Neroli bigarade and Earl Gray form a harmony with woody notes and vanilla. High quality essential oils of bergamot and orange flower are added for a relaxing effect, while potassium and manganese provide energizing qualities. The amethyst stones in the bottle are encompassed within the bottle as a visible symbol for harmony.

Valeur Absolue Sensualité
A perfume that reflects the curves of a woman. Floral, woody and musky notes create this super-feminine fragrance. Rose de Mai, white jasmine, exotic white flowers and soft tones of cedar wood are combined with mysterious amber and musk. Mother-of-pearl in the bottle symbolizes love and feminity.

Valeur Absolue Joie-Eclat
Sparkling like a glass of champagne, the fizzy Joie-Eclat contains fresh tangerine and green cardamon as well as fine vetiver, tuberose, grapefruit and vetiver. From all the three, this is the fragrance that stays on the skin for the longest. with it’s fresh and elegant note. The first time ever, diamond powder has been used in a perfume, as a visible sign of sparkle.

After testing all the three fragrances, I must say that wearing all of them feels very good. Fitting to the fact that I am a curvy girl, Sensualité is my favourite. I love floral feminine perfumes, especially if they contain jasmine. I think it’s the most dominant of the three fragrances and it lingers pretty long on my skin. Especially Harmonie is a little bit too soothing for my taste, but I am sure many girls will love it as a beautiful everyday fragrance.

I don’t believe in aroma therapy, so I can’t say that the special additions to the perfume actually have an effect on me, but nonetheless all of the three perfumes seem precious to me. I love that they added amethyst, mother-of-pearl and diamond powder to the bottles, it makes them very unique and a pretty addition to every perfume collection.

Valeur Absolue is available at specialized retailers and from

Do you believe that a scent can influence the well-being of the mind and which one of the three Valeur Absolue scents would you pick?

Thanks to coolbrandz for supplying the product for this review.


  1. Oooh…very lovely indeed! I adore perfume, I could spend all day having a play with them. These sound really gorgeous, I'm with you…my favourite is the same as your favourite, the description just fits perfectly for what I look for in a perfume!! Very lovely bottles too. I loved the review :))) Happy Sunday my darling girl Xxx

    • The bottle with the mother-of-pearl in it reminds me of you very much. I think it would fit to you very well: Elegant, tender and powdery. Thank you for your comment and have a very happy New Year my love <3 xxx

    • Yes the packaging is very special 😀 I hope they will be available in more shops soon, I think most people don't oder perfume they never smelled before. xxx

  2. Perfumes are my thing, totally can't get enough of them. Wishing you all the best for the new year.

    • A happy new year to you as well :-* I am a little perfume collector just like you and I am happy to have this one on my shelf. xxx

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