ootd, blogger outfit, look, street style
ootd, blogger, saraisinlovewith, streetstyle

I can’t believe: “Sara is in Love with…” gets two years old today. Two years of fashion adventures, colourful looks and quirky headwear. Two years with many twists and turns I wouldn’t have dreamed of before.

During the second year of blogging, my blog was slowly but steadily growing the whole time. Numbers of followers and readers are twice as much as a year ago. A special honor was a portrait about me and my blog in the biggest newspaper of the city I am from in December. For a little moment I felt almost like a star, having my pictures occupying almost a page.

I want to say thank you to all my lovely readers for your visits, comments, mails and spreading word about my whimsical page. When I started blogging, I didn’t know if anybody at all would be interested in my looks. All the excitement you express makes me unutterably happy. Sometimes I literally jump from my chair with joy because of a lovely mail I got from a cute reader or an exciting future collaboration. As well I want to thank all my collaboration partners for believing in my project. It makes me dizzy to think about the outstanding creative people I am in touch with because of my blog. I don’t take exciting things happening for granted and I hope while reading you can feel a little bit of the love and passion I put into my blog.

I am nearly bursting of ideas for future posts. During the next year I want to get more experimental, surprise you, shoot better pictures, organize lovely give aways and do more designer interviews. My a little bit less modest dreams are a feature in an international fashion magazine, catching the attention of a few very particular designers and brands I am in love with (Hello Melissa Shoes  😉 ) and I would be the happiest candy floss ever, if I would receive my first fan art picture (please include a flamingo if I may have another wish…). Indeed very big dreams for a little blogger, but I believe just people with a vision get far and recommend all of you to follow your dreams. Maybe one day we can catch the stars, even if they seem so, so far away.

Millions of thanks to all of you for being part of my fashion world. There wouldn’t be a blog without you. I am happy to finish this post with the same sentence as last year: Sara is in Love with all of you!

Pictures: Overview of all the outfits during the second year of “Sara is in Love with…”. You can see the overview of year one here.

ootd, blogger, streetstyle, colorful outfits
ootd, blogger look, blogger outfit, streetstyle
Tagblatt, blogger, sara is in love with, portrait
The big portrait of me in the newspaper. You can read the (German) online version here
tagblatt, cherry fascinator, blogger
I even made it to the front page, how exciting!


  1. Happy Blog Birthday my darling girl!! I am so so so very happy to know this world of sweetness & best of all it's creator – you!! I can say my world has been ever so sweeter and lovelier since you came into it!! It is so wonderful to know a kindred spirit in this world, one who brings not only the colours into the world, but also the colours out of those she meets!! I always get a great big smile with every post & seeing your beautiful face and creativity…it is a light in this boring world of sameness!! We fight the good fight of bringing colour into the world and making it a happier and more unique place as it should be!! It's an honour to know you and your blog & an even bigger honour to be able to call you my dear friend!! I'm so excited for what's to come for this wonderful space & I know all your dreams will come true, because you deserve them most of all!! I wish for many many more birthday wishes for this blog & we shall colour the world indeed!! Love you lots my darling girl <33333

  2. Liebe Sara,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Du hast all die Leser und den Erfolg deines Blogs mehr als verdient. Er gehört seit eh und je zu meinen Lieblingen. Du inspirierst mich und stichst einfach aus der Masse hervor. ♥

  3. Happy Blog birthday, love your blog, your outfits reveals such creativity. I wanted to say i love the two last pic but then, i saw the rest of it underneath !
    And i like it even more.
    Hoping it Will continue in 2014 and so on 🙂


    • I wish that next year you'll open your fascinator shop and I can wear one of your creations as well 😉 Lots of love, xxx

  4. Congratulations!
    Can i have a request? Show us your closet!!! I'd love to see it, you must have an amazing collection of stuff!

    • A lovely request 😀 This will actually happen quite soon, but as a guest post on a blog of a friend. I hope you will not be disappointed, because my collection is actually not as big as people might think. I am very good in letting go of things. xxx

  5. Alles Gute!!!
    Ich liebe deinen Blog und finde es so großartig, dass es Blogger wie dich gibt!
    Keep your sparkle!

  6. Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag deines Blogs!!! Ich freue mich so dass es ihn gibt. Deine Outfits sind der Knaller! Am liebsten hab ichs ja, wenn ein Teil von Collectif gezeigt wird. 😀
    Mach weiter so!

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