It doesn’t happen very often that hair products create a big hype. Bleach London made this come true when they realized their range of hair products, inducing 12 colour creams in exciting shades. Bleach is a London based hair saloon and the place to go for hair in all the colours of the rainbow.

When I went to London last time, I  bought a whole basket full of Bleach products and here is what I think about them:

Bleach Rosé Super Cool Colour
This is a super cool colour indeed, no exaggeration! Most important: It doesn’t have a yellowish shade, what I experienced on my hair with other pastel pink dyes. It’s very easy to use – almost like a conditioner – and it doesn’t drip. I needed a little bitt less than half of the bottle for my chin length hair and was surprised that it just takes 15 minutes to have my hair dyed. The colour is non permanent (unless for example Directions, which are semi permanent) and washes out very fast.

When I washed it out after applying it, I already had the feeling that a lot of colour was running down the sink. My hair was a pretty vibrant pastel pink. After washing my hair again the colour already faded to a pale candy floss pink. Washing my hair every day, I was back to completely blonde within a week. 
Bleach Silver Shampoo
Don’t want brassy and yellow tones in your hair? Then this is your product! I love silver shampoos and this is a very good choice. My hair really looks more ashy after using it. I think if you leave it on for too long, you might get purple hair.

Bleach Everyday Dry Shampoo
Using dry shampoo is a good way to keep your hair colourful for a little longer. I don’t think this one does a better job than other dry shampoo, but I dislike most of them because of their awful smell, while this one has a very lovely scent. This makes it a winner and I will buy it again!

Bleach Washing Out Liquid

This product was actually one I was very eager to try, because I always wished to have something that speeds up the fading process. Sadly it is the only Bleach product which disappointed me. I couldn’t see an effect at all. I still have two bottles and might use it again just to get rid of it.

My Conclusion About the Bleach Products
I wholly recommend you all products from Bleach expect the Washing Out Liquid. I have to mention that everything from Bleach smells just divine and I love the packaging. I definitely would like to try more products and I have my eyes especially on the colours Parma Violets, Blullini and Washed Up Mermaid.

All products from Bleach are under 10£ and available at Boots or directly on their homepage.

Did you already try products from Bleach London or would you like to?


  1. Have never used them as I've only dyed my hair once or twice in life & it was just to highlight my hair. But, these look great! I would need a lot of bleach to do my hair with it such dark brown, so I will leave that to you ;D But, I would definitely love to have pastel lilac hair or pastel blue, it would be amazing!! I might try hair chalks just to play with :)) Have a gorgeous evening my dear xx

  2. Oh, that rose color sounds so pretty and I love that it's not permanent. I've always wanted to color my hair pink but I really don't want to lose my pretty blonde color. I'd probably make a mess of it. lol… maybe I should just try hair chalk. ha!

    ♡ Regina ♡
    Margarita Bloom: Retro Modern Beauty & Skincare

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