On a stroll through Brick Lane a while ago, I discovered the outstanding headwear of The Headmistress in a pop up store. After a lovely chat with the designer I was convinced that not just the hats, but as well the maker is very sweet and charming.

The Headmistress was launched by London based designer Samantha Cousins in 2012. Samantha says that her love for hats started already when she was four with the creation of an Easter Bonnet for a school assembly. She studied costume design for film and television and was taught the traditional methods of millinery by royal milliner Rose Cory after graduating.

The Headmistress offers three brilliant ranges of headwear: Bridal & Classic, Monochrome & Metallic and Quirky & Colourful. So no matter if you attend the races, a wedding or just like something whimsical to brighten up your looks, you will find your perfect hat here. A hat all covered in domino stones, a tennis ball fascinator or a printed newspaper hat are just a few among the creations of the limitless imagination of Samantha. She makes the impossible possible and transforms items that you wouldn’t have thought to see on a hat in your wildest dreams into fabulous creations.

Samantha is inspired by vintage fashion from different periods as well as from nostalgic childhood memories. The headmistress is always on the search for beautiful vintage jewellery to include it in her creations. Each hat is unique and hand crafted in Samantha’s studio in London. The designer makes custom pieces as well if you have special wishes.

I am truly enchanted and curious to hear your opinion about those designs. Meanwhile I dream of wearing a The Headmistress hat on my very own head…

Visit The Headmistress here and follow the label on Facebook.


  1. Well, you already know I love this label from facebook, so so beautiful. Not even sure which piece I love the most, all of them are so wonderful and perfect for wearing any day to make it happy and bright!! I do love things to wear on my head!! Fantastic share my dear…love it. Have a great evening Xx

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