Mint dress, pastel outfit, tatty devine shell necklace
Today I feel like wearing mint – the colour of the sea and mermaid.
Tatty Devine, shell necklace, shell and peal necklace
The most beautiful shells must come from the deepest sea for sure.
Mint dress, pastel look, mermaid look
Like a journey on a dreamy sea, that’s my look today.
tatty devine, shell necklace, mermaid
Just the bravest mermaids can dive to the deepest places where the most beautiful treasures are hidden.
candy watch, Swatch, Caramellissima
The song of the sirens might be the big temptations of the sailors. The thing I’m longing for the most is candy.
mint dress, pastel look, mermaid outfit
Suddenly there are hearts all over, when I think about candy. Can you spot them?
barbie look, heartshapedglasses, dip dye tights
I bet you wanna dive into my pastel sea as well. Just come!
Swatch, Caramellissima, Serena Kuhl
If you are lovely, I might share my precious candy with you.
Carmen Miranda shoes, fruit shoes, fruit flats
Such a shame pineapples don’t grow underwater! I think the mermaids would love them just like me.

A rather plain style, compared to my other looks. No wild colour mix, neither pattern crush nor wild headwear. Just a sea of mint, the colour of swimming pools, mermaids and peppermint candy. This colour is like a fresh breeze in my wardrobe and I certainly could get used to it. I know a very lovely girl, who just wears mint and turquoise, with this outfit I start to understand why. I can almost sea a scenery of a fairytale underwater world in front of me, influenced by the look of my outfit. 
For the first time in probably ten years I’m wearing a watch. I am certainly no watch girl and use it merely as an accessory. If somebody asks me for the time, I’m just too used to grab for my phone. I dislike the look of most watches and can’t understand the almost magical prestige many people see in them. I don’t believe in big labels neither, they just don’t impress me. I like what visually appeals to me and trust my taste: Caramellissima from Swatch, the watch that won my heart.
To me, this watch is somehow ironic: Among all the pieces made of gold and fine metals, decorated with diamonds, I choose candy! It feels like a rebellious thing I can tell you. Imagine me sitting in the train among a group of business man with their expensive timepieces. A friendly smile on my lips, but a sweet mockery on my wrist. Forget about status symbols, candy rules my mermaid world!

How do you like this look and what’s your opinion on wearing watches?

My Outfit: 

Dress: H&M, Belt:H&M (not recent), Shoes: Asos (not recent),
Socks: Primark, Watch: Swatch, Necklace: Tatty Devine, Ring: Serena Kuhl,
Sunglasses: Primark, Tights: Ebay, Bag: H&M


  1. It's so wonderful my dear, adore this dress as you already know from Facebook. So pretty. I too don't wear a watch as I never find one that would work with anything I wear, they tend to not look so good, but I would most definitely wear this one. I remember when I was little I used to wear the candy bracelets and there was even one with a fake watch on it, hahaha. Maybe they got inspiration from it to make it real. It's adorable. Wonderful my dear…wish you a gorgeous weekend <3

  2. Wow those tights are incredible. I bet any one has seen such a tie and dye on tights Before that !
    Its like you painter your legs really realistic for a mermaid i love it !
    I love the ensemble, the dress With belt and jewelry… I'm a sucker for mermaid sea stuff so you got me here !
    Lots of love from Paris,


  3. Sarah, you are so…so…so pretty! I love this outfit!! and that watch is magical!! I love eating candy bracelets so that watch is something I would definitely get. I adore all the pastels and those little ruffle socks are adorable and the necklace…seashells…perfection. Great outfit…as always. *wink*

    ♡ Regina ♡
    Margarita Bloom: Beauty & Skincare

  4. Oh my gosh the thumbnails for this post do it no justice at all, I love the styling and your captions are so wonderful. Super jealous of those shoes and will be using this as major style inspiration as I never would've had the guts to wear a kind of minty colour before but I love this!

  5. Ich finde das Outfit wirklich zauberhaft. So schon pastellig und wie immer diese liebevollen Details, die du in den Outfits versteckst, das finde ich jedes Mal so großartig. Ich selbst trage keinen Uhren, habe ich nie gemacht und links sowieso nicht, wenn dann am rechten Arm, aber ich überlege mir ernsthaft diese Uhr zu kaufen. So teuer ist sie ja nicht, sieht aber wirklich so süß (im wahrsten sinne des Wortes^^) aus.

  6. I have the same dress and the same watch,but it looks better on you! 😀 This outfit is just gorgeous!

  7. Hi Sara from another Sara 😉 You look gorgeous! I reached you because I'm looking so hard for that necklace that is no longer available in the website. And as the bloggers use to sell their stuff, can you please tell me if you consider selling it? Thank you so much in advance!

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