Pop Art Fashion, Frida Kahlo Socks, Tatty Devine Frida
Frida Kahlo SocksFrida Kahlo Necklace
Picasso SkirtPop Art Marilyn TopEye High Heels
Lip Print Shoes Comic Bubbles Hand Bag

Art loves fashion and fashion loves art back! Among all the art movements, especially pop art is a never-ending inspiration for fashion. Repeating symbols in flashy colours, comic inspired prints and Warhol’s Marilyn are fashion evergreens. Wearing them makes you instantly feel like a pop art heroine.

A little bit of art in your outfit never hurts and is perfect for a stroll through your favourite galleries or just for everyday. There is nothing such as a wrong time to turn yourself into a walking piece of art!

Pop art is not really your thing? Go for Mexican surrealism then with Frida Kahlo! Her face has already been printed on thousands of T-shirts and decorates the necks of the coolest ladies. But the best Frida-themed thing I’ve ever seen are clearly the socks above: Definitely a must have for admirers of this fabulous woman and a must have for an arty look!

How do you like those arty fashion pieces and which one is your favourite?


  1. Oooh…my comment didn't work first time…booo!! I NEED all of these, especially the skirt, how amazing is that!?! And the shoes with the eye, yes yes. I will be able to watch people from behind, hihihihi!! These are beautiful works of art!! Art is fashion & fashion is definitely art!! Am in love <3333

  2. Such a good collection of things. I love the tatty devine necklace and those shoes are amazing! I do love a bit of Frida, she was so gorgeous. X

  3. Hi! Popped over from Dainty Dolls House. What a fun post! I like the Friday socks & necklace. I would like anything w/Wonder Woman on it or Batman (my first crush). Fun post honey! Come visit me at stylewisebydebra.com!


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