Friday Favouries, Wishlist, Shopping
Disney Princess Socks  –  Unicorn Socks  –  Baby Blue Coat
Rainbow Rose Miniskirt  –  Camera Instax Mini  –  Earrings with Printed Eyes
Pom Pom Headphones  –  Dr. Martens Boots  –  Furry Iphone Case  –  Fluffy Cat Jumper
Yay, it’s weekend, finally! I can’t tell you how much this makes me jump from joy. I just want to sing, dance in circles, drink Pimms and laugh about silly things while wearing my biggest fascinator and killer heels.
This week seemed never-ending and very hard: I left London again and still feel so heartbroken. I just love this city with all my heart and hate this exclusion from my personal paradise. As well I was buried under a sky-high pile of work at my daytime job, and there was no time left to prepare everything I intended to do for you. It stings and feels like disappointing you.
What helps more to brighten up a dark time like this than looking at beautiful things? I wish that my favorites of the week let your eyes shine, just as they did with mine. I already bought three of the things. Maybe you can guess which ones, you clever things?
Have a happy weekend lovelies and keep your eyes open for everything pretty.


  1. All of these are gorgeous doll, love the pastel colours just now lots and lots. I will have the coat, as that's super pretty. Even if I just bought a fluffy faux furry bright pink one, of course I will take the socks, both pairs are super. And I like these earrings a lot, very unique :))) Maybe you have the skirt and top already!?! I hope you have a great weekend doll xx

  2. I often see your picture when I stumbled on Google. They said curious kill the cat and finally I tried to open your blog. And I love it too much! I love how colorful you are and going through your pictures somehow makes me happy and inspired.

    I'm following you now on GFC. would you mind to follow me back? 😉

    Take care,
    Rizuna from 100% Nerd
    instagram > @rizunaswon

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