friday favourites, fake fur, kawaii fashion
Hands Scarf  –  Resin Bangle  –  Cat Bag
Pink High Heels  –  Bunny Hat  –  Pompom Knit Beanie
Fake Fur Jacket  –  Phone Bag  –  Shoes with Hands  –  Cat Dungarees

And finally, after a long week, the moment you all anticipated is here: It’s Friday, yay! Here is something to keep you pink & happy.

Every now and then, somebody declares that either orange, gray or blue is the new black. I don’t think there is such a thing as one colour replacing a colour, but pink has been my personal black for quite a while. I recently love to combine different shades together, and I just love my pink hair. I can’t imagine to be blond again at the moment. I’m rather a pink candy floss from head to toe, dream a fluffy fake fur, surreal accessories and everything fluffy and cute.

I am very excited for the weekend; there are shoots planed and I am excited to prepare my next giveaway for you. Stay tuned, the secret will soon be revealed. I just love to bring a little bit of cuteness into your life. Happy weekend lovelies!

Please don’t forget to tell me, what you like best from my favourites!


  1. I don't believe in a colour of the moment or putting colours away for the seasons, I just wear them as my mood prefers. I'm not ready to put away my pastels just yet. I've been looking at this fur jacket for a while, it's marvellous. And the phone bag is perfect as I love novelty bags, they are much more fun. All of these are wonderful, now I'm daydreaming…have a great weekend my dear Xxx

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