Time to celebrate: Happy Birthday “Sara is in Love with…”! Exactly four years ago I published the first post on this page. It feels like that was only yesterday. I can’t imagine a life without this blog (Oh my, so much free time what would I do with it? Going back being a hardcore gamer? 😉 ). Even if year four found me moaning now and then about not reaching my goals, it was a good year with a few little dreams coming true. Like the year before, this blog didn’t save the world, but maybe it inspired a few of you.
During my year four of blogging I was able to wear clothes I dreamed about and survived the death of my precious MacBook (every bloggers nightmare). I got more involved in the blogger scene and made new contacts with a lot of PR agencies. I was quite surprised about this happening because it’s something I had troubles with the past three years and I was already convinced that business and quirkiness don’t go very well together. I am still very grateful I don’t have to make a living from blogging because this puts me in the comfortable position to stay true to myself and not to feel the need to do something just because it’s profitable.
If I compare my current style to the first looks, there is certainly more daringness and my hunger for bold accessories evolved. I love to challenge myself and it feels like the journey has just started. You can be curious about what’s to come… Maybe even bigger changes than ever before? Just keep me company and let me surprise you! Thank you all very much for reading this blog, without you, it would be a sad, lonely island.
A few numbers about year four:
Number of Outfits: 26
Most Worn Colour: Pink
Outfits with Skirts: 25
Never Worn Colours: Brown, Beige, White
Outfits with Trousers: Only 1
Outfits featuring Headwear: 12
Outfits featuring Sunglasses: 22
Most Popular Outfit: My Crazy Pineapple and Flamingo Look
Freezing in the cold while having my picture taken: At least ten times
Being angry about the weather interfering with my shooting plans: Very often
Being afraid of not being good enough: 1 000 000 times
Being excited about this blog: 10 000 000 000 times
Pictures: Overview of all outfits of year four.
If you wanna go further back with the time machine:
The Looks of Year 3 The Looks of Year 2 The Looks of Year 1
Happy fourth blog birthday! I hope there are many more to come! xx
happy happy birthday!!!
your style is so rad 🙂
Whoa, how have you been around four years and I only just found you at the end of 2015? Looks like I'll have to take a dive into your archives! Your style inspires me to keep it weird. Happy 4th blog birthday, Sara! 🙂
Hannah | The Outfit Repeater