flamingo, fashion, shopping wish list
Flat Flamingo Shoes  –  Flamingo Candle  –  Heeled Boots
Flamingo LED Light  –  Flamingo Slippers  – Key Ring
Laptop Sleeve  –  Fascinator – Socks

Roll your eyes, but I am not over flamingos and probably never will be! As long as there is still space for more cute pink flamingo finds in my flat and wardrobe, I don’t have enough of them. While the trend of animals in fashion changes fast from cats to dogs or foxes and owls, my heart will always belong to those elegant, long necked birds!

Sometimes I wish Hitchcock made love films instead of horror. Imagine a movie as cool as “The Birds”, but in colour and instead of attacking birds with flocks of flamingos and a couple falling in love in a paradise garden…

The best way I can imagine to cheer myself up after a hard day is to come home, slip my feet into the fluffy flamingo slippers, turn on pink flamingo lights and dream of that movie. Long live the kitsch, long life the pink way of life!

What is your soul animal and what do you think of my flamingo crushes?


  1. You are the queen of flamingos <3
    I LOVE seeing them on your blog!! They are such amazing birds.

    I don't own any flamingo stuff tho… :S shame on me!!

  2. The cutest things ever, I wouldn't mind having some of them myself…they'd go nicely next to my unicorns 🙂 If you love something, never let it go, especially if it makes you happy, there is enough to make us sad in this world, we need the happy things 🙂 xx

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