Amsterdam, travel, blogger
Floaties and a breathtaking view on the rooftop of the W Hotel.
neon, cactus, The Conservatorium Amsterdam
Neon cacti at the Conservatorium. I regret I didn’t drink a cocktail more and would have dared to steal one.
The Student Hotel, Amsterdam, pink blogger
I stayed at the Student Hotel and my looks fit the furniture.
Amsterdam, canals, travel
Oh, how charming the canals are! I must have taken 1000 pictures like this.
Amsterdam, travel, blogger
Pink penguin(-ish) sculpture seen while shopping.
Amsterdam, Juju shoes, travel
It is a joyful day for sure when the streets are full of confetti!
Colourful Rebel, Amsterdam, flamingo jacket
Best Changing Rooms ever at Colourful Rebel. Of course I couldn’t leave without this flamingo jacket.
Amsterdam, food, Envy
Still dreaming of the food I had at the Envy.
W Hotel, Amsterdam, travel
Rainbow logo ready for Euro Pride at the W Amsterdam.
Student Hotel, Amsterdam, Travel
“Everybody should like everybody” Oh yes, well said Student Hotel!
United Nude, Amsterdam, Shopping
If there is a United Nude flagship store in a city, it’s a must go.
cute dolls, shopping, amsterdam
Found a doll that looks like me. Aaahhh how cute she is!
Amsterdam, Conservatorium, best cocktail bars
Best Cocktails in Town at the Conservatorium

Oh, Amsterdam, I enjoyed wandering your streets during my holidays this month. The Dutch capital is truly a fabulous place to relax and spend a few days. Most people know that Amsterdam is famous for sex and drugs, I say it’s a paradise for shoppers, delicious food, art from many periods, and innovative design.

I have never seen so many concepts stores at one place, so shopping was a real experience next to sightseeing and wandering around museums and galleries. The Dutch are very friendly and joyful, and most people speak very fluent English what makes it very easy for visitors to find their way.

While you wander around the beautiful historic houses and cross the picturesque canals of Amsterdam, you feel like you landed in a real life version of Disneyland. If you like to walk, you see most of the city. It’s not too big or confusing, so you don’t have to be afraid of getting lost. If you arrive in Amsterdam, I can recommend doing a boat tour first to get an overview. Afterward, you might hire a bicycle and go with the flow, just like the Dutch.

Amsterdam, be prepared, I am coming back for sure!

My five favourite places in Amsterdam

The Museum of Bags and Purses: 
The world’s largest museum of handbags located in a beautiful house by the canal. Read more about it in my post here.

Treat yourself to a five or six-course menu and just sit back and enjoy at this modern and rather posh restaurant. If you are a Vegetarian like me or have any special wishes, just mention them and the lovely staff will take care of it.

Kitsch Kitchen:
My favourite shop in the city offering all kind of kitschy things and a huge selection of colourful treasures from Mexico.

The Conservatorium:
Very cool cocktail bar with a fantastic selection of gin cocktails. I even found a cocktail to fit my pink glitter handbag 😉

W Hotel:
The rooftop bar is not just a good place for having a snack or drink but has a fabulous pool with the best view. Another advice: Visit the toilets, they are quite spectacular…


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