wish list, shopping, blogger, max jenny, mister zimi, ziztar, la vidiriola, flamingo, jumpsuit, spring, fashion, style, united nude, Kate Spade, Poppy Lissiman
Cacti Handbag  –  Pool Necklace  –  Silver Shoes  –  Happy Bangle
Pink Sunnies  – Blizzard Sunnies  –  Dress with Printed Faces  –  Red Jumpsuit
Bomber Jacket  –  Fluffy Rainbow Slippers
Nothing makes you realize more how much you changed than rummaging in the deepest depths of your wardrobe. Yesterday I was brave enough to make a journey into my fashion past and decluttered bravely. The result is three big bags for charity and space for new things, which means as well time for a wishlist post!

But first let me tell you about my old sins: I found things that looked like they must belong to an entirely different person, things a Sara ten years ago must have liked and Sara from the present can’t see the reason why. I don’t hide anything: I found several models of the most boring black dresses, shoes that screamed 80s (and not in a good way) and even a brown leopard pattern skirt (eeeeeeek brown, I hate brown from the bottom of my heart, I really do).

I was always considered as a fashion girl by the people around me, but I think my style evolved a lot. Ten years ago, my wardrobe was more conventional and less colourful than nowadays. I cared much about dressing to please others and what people talked about me. Today I just roll my eyes and think “Let them talk, whatever I don’t care, ” and I feel very grateful for finding this boldness.

So gone, baby gone, discard the old and bring in more rainbows!, I have space for new things! Ladies and gentlemen, we are building the perfect wardrobe of the future! 😉

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