Schmiley Mo, blogger, colourful look
Schmiley Mo, pom pom jacket, Gorman x Liz Payne
denim coat, liz payne dress, piñata bag
Charlotte Olympia, piñata bag, novelty bag
Schmiley Mo, pom pom hood, denim coat
Schmiley Mo, denim coat, rainbow look
Madame Flamingo, platform heels, rainbow shoes
quirky blogger, gorman x liz payne, platform shoes
komono, green sunglasses, style blogger
pom pom hood, piñata bag, Charlotte Olympia
pink hair, blogger, Swiss fashion blogger
fashion blogger, platform heels, colourful heels
denim jacket, summer look, blogger outfit
denim coat, fashion blogger, schmiley mo

You are the maker of your own happiness! For a long time, I thought this is a hollow sentence found on calendar sheets and not much more. But wait for a second!

A while ago I chose to focus more on what’s good in my life instead of living for what I might achieve in the future. Surprisingly this new attitude has quite an effect on me.

I made a list of things that I am looking forward – from small events like a dinner with friends or having a day off to bigger steps like the next holidays or an important career step – and I was genuinely surprised by how long the list got. I got aware of all that I have, while very often was craving for what I miss in the past.

Therefore to focus must be a major key to happiness. This is the way I wanna go from now on!

Even if my life is not a fairytale, it is quite good: I can do a lot of what I love while I am surrounded by people I love, and there are constantly exciting things happening. Sure not things that will appear in history books, but very often you find happiness in the details if you just focus.

And by the way: I even found a wall to fit my outfit perfectly. Isn’t that cool?

My Outfit:

Dress: Liz Payne x Gorman, Coat: Schmiley Mo, Shoes: Madame Flamingo,
Bag: Charlotte Olympia (get a similar one here), Necklace: Tatty Devine,
Sunglasses: Baloji x Komono


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