rainbow fashion, wish list, fashion blogger
Sunglasses  –  Loved Earrings  –  Tiger Scarf
Snake Backpack  –  Swimsuit  –  Choker Necklace
Crop Top  –  Beaded Clutch  –  Sandals
My love for rainbows doesn’t disappear, the opposite: It grows and we must have a double or even triple rainbow by now. As even (after many other fashion labels) Gucci embraces the rainbow-hype with their platform shoes, it feels entirely justified. Why decide for one favourite colour if you can have the full spectrum combined? 
Rainbow is an attitude, and it’s the opposite of restriction, it means getting everything. If you are not convinced yet: Imagine if Skittles would all be in the same colours and admit that would be the end of the world as we know it.
I see the rainbow as a symbol of fun and enthusiasm: It makes me think of all things happy like the innocence of childhood, a box of coloured pencils and beloved comic characters like Rainbow Dash or the Care Bears. You all know that I love flamingos, but I can’t deny there is one advantage rainbows have even over my favourite animals: There is a rainbow emoji, yay! So let’s send them around the world and spread the colour, start a rainbow movement!
I can already see myself on holidays with a pair of stylish rainbow sunnies and the matching swimsuit, relaxing in a huge floatie, sipping fruity cocktails. 
Rainbow I love you, cause you make me dream and that is a mighty power!

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