shopping finds, rainbow colours, colourful prints
Sunglasses  – Fuzzies Necklace  –  Flamingo Handbag  –  Hettie Stewart Heart Clutch
Eye Earrings  –  Rainbow Print Shirt  –  Crispy Crisps Phone Case  – Pom Pom Shoes
Suspender Dress  – Fluffy Backpack

Life is hard enough;  I can’t banish all the sadness, the tears and the injustice happening, so please let me fill my wardrobe with only cute and sweet things at least! I can feel spring coming when I see all the exciting things popping up in the shops.

I am a rainbow gal for life, but when even the Evening Standard says that 2016 is the year of colourful fashion (see article here), I feel tempted to overdue it even more. Nobody has to tell me “Go and buy something with a rainbow on it” twice for sure. By the way: I’d die for that Sonia Rykiel technicolour jacket, but since I can buy all my shopping finds for the same prize, I’d prefer to have a pile of textile happiness and dive into it.

Recently somebody described my style as a “crazy mix of all things colourful” and I love this description. Why not wearing (nearly) everything from my finds together? Even if you are normally not as colourful as me, maybe now it’s time to banish black, get rid of grey and detest brown! Spring is here, colour is life-affirming, so let’s all dance on a rainbow!

What do you think about my shopping finds lovelies, any favourites?


  1. Love the fuzzie, the flamingo and the pom pom shoes, amazing!! I have some black shoes that I barely wear, this gives me ideas. Also love Melonhopper, I have a piece on my blog today, funny, great minds 😉 Honestly, who am I kidding, I could have the whole list, hahaha!! I love rainbows and pastels and bags shaped like animals, sunglasses…all this things are needed. Life would be boring otherwise and is too short to not be expressive and colourful :)) Have a great weekend my dear xxx

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