Diane Goldie, flamingo skirt, rainbow color looks
flower headdress, rainbow flower crown, marina fine pineapple earrings
Diane Goldie, flamingo skirt, rainbow skirt
boo + boo factory, leather necklace, rainbow necklace
Marina Fine, pineapple earrings, perspex jewellery
Diane Goldie, rainbow look, street style
sunglasses, diamond, glitter
Diane Goldie, flamingo skirt, african print
fluffy jacket, lime fur, rainbow look

Most people encourage you to blend in and be part of the majority, but there are a few who inspire you to be the most eccentric you possible. This post is dedicated to Diane Goldie, who is certainly one of the second kind and the designer of my skirt. I met the London artist, feminist, former puppeteer and maker of wearable art on the Spitalfields Market a while ago. There is no way I could have overseen this remarkable free spirit of a woman with her rainbow necklace, her arms full of bangles and her hair full of flowers.

From the first second, there was a bond between us, a certain kinship only found among fellow artistic, bold and quirky people. We queer ones don’t need a passport or an own country; one glance is sufficient to recognise our kind among millions of people.

So we talked like old friends about relationships, arts, fashion, politics and many other things. I was overwhelmed by the kindness and warmth emerging from this woman and soaked up her words. Diane embraces the awkward, the colourful and the diversity of people. “It’s ok to be just as you are” seems to be the universal message behind her words and they touched my soul. I wanted to evolve into an even brighter, more colourful version of myself and raise the flag of uniqueness high above my head.

Suddenly our encounter came to an end: Diane said she had to go home to her sewing machine. Only a few hours later my phone rang and a picture appeared on its screen, showing me this amazing skirt. She said she turned what she saw in me into a piece of fabric. And what a creation it was! Wearing it makes me a living and walking piece of art, signed with the name of Diane Goldie. Isn’t it a liberating thought not to confine art to museums, but to bring it out into the world, to make it part of our lives? I still have the spark of energy Diane passed on to me in my heart and I’ll keep it alive.

My Outfit:

Jacket: Lavish Alice (sold out), Skirt: c.Art (Diane Goldie), Shirt: Vintage,
Flower Crown: Temptress of Waikiki, Earrings: Marina Fini,
Necklace: Boo + Boo Factory, Sunglasses: Natasha Lilipore, Tights: H&M,
Shoes: Underground London, Socks: Topshop


  1. How lovely to have such a special piece of clothing. Your colourful outfits are a joy to see and your style is wonderful!

    Emma xxx

  2. How lovely to have such a special piece of clothing. Your colourful outfits are a joy to see and your style is wonderful!

    Emma xxx

  3. It's marvellous, I love it!! It is so important to be ourselves and not worry what others think. No matter if we love bright colours or dark ones even…just being your true self is the best thing in the world!! Even though, I'd pick bright or pastel colours over dark ones any day, but, I love all the differences in the world!! xx

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