sale pick 2015, summer, fashion
Pineapple Print Kimono  –  Cute Creature Necklace  –  Pink Metallic Bag
House of Holland Logo Print Dress  – Three Eyed Cap  –  Sequin Melon Top
Sequin Crop Top  – Crap Bag  – Denture Denim Dress

You can’t oversee: Sale is here. The time when the mailboxes are completely flooded with emails from every shop you could think of, tempting you with the best goodies for reduced prices. The sale is the best time to find an excuse to stop your shopping ban and invest in epic pieces. After all, life is hard enough, and we deserve some treats!

Although we all know it’s a false success when we feel that we saved money when we spend some, it’s causing instant joy! Summer holidays are coming closer, and the wardrobe needs an upgrade.

My sale favourites are shiny, colourful and cute, don’t forget to tell me which are your favourites! So what are you waiting for? Make a bargain and have a happy day!


  1. The necklace reminds me of Meadham Kirchoff, I love that!! And you can't go wrong with something from Lazy Oaf!! Super list doll 🙂 I think I need to come off my shopping band now for some things, haha 🙂 x

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