Fruits in fashion, fruit dress, carmen miranda
Walking fruit salad: A very bright summer look from head to toe.
tatty devine rainbow necklace, fruit dress, rainbow coloured outfit
Candy floss hair:  Loving my new pastel power mane.
fruit dress, pastel pink hair, fruit print dress
Double rainbow: One for the neck, one for the feet.
melon clutch, fruit dress, fruits in fashion
Not without my melon: A fruit shaped bag is the icing of the cake.
fruit look, street style, carmen miranda
Fruits love sun: An easy to wear look is the best way to do it like them.
tatty devine, rainbow necklace, pastel pink hair
Head full of rainbow dreams: Already thinking of more fruit looks…
yru, chariot, rainbow shoes
Walking on rainbows: The most shiny platform shoes in the world.

Back to a fruits in fashion look, back to pink hair! The old-new hair colour puts me into a playful mood. It feels like having candy floss on the head, and I instantly want to play with it. Headbanging in pastel pink, yeah!

Whenever it rains, I am wish for a rainbow. After an afternoon full of moody gray clouds, there is nothing more beautiful than a sky filled with colours. There is just too much gray in the world, and I try to bring a little bit of rainbow into the hearts of the people. Rainbow shoes and necklace are part of my master plan.

The shoes are my first pair from YRU. I’ve been following this label for quite a while and love their extreme platform shoes. My rainbow sandals caused quite a stir when I went out with them for the first time. The chunky sandals trend hasn’t arrived in Switzerland and I caught people staring at them. I bet if I would have robbed a bank, nobody of the witnesses would have mentioned a girl with pink hair, just shiny rainbow feet.

So my advice of the day: If you have a bad hair day, just wear shoes like these! Nobody will ever notice it again. Have a wonderful day my lovelies, don’t forget your five a day and watch out for rainbows!

You make me happy if you leave a few words, telling me your thoughts about this look.

My Outfit: 

Dress: ModCloth, Shoes: YRU, Bag: old, Necklace: Tatty Devine,
Ring and Bangle: Selena Kuhl


  1. Gorgeous doll, this is one of my fave dresses from Modcloth and the shoes are perfection :)))) Summer rainbow fruits, perfect for this rainy weekend I'm having, although yesterday was so so hot that it feels quite freshing to have a cool feeling day for once!! Wish you a gorgeous weekend doll Xxxxxxx

    • I'm in love with the sandals, the necklace is sooo cute and perfect you create a awesome outfit, with every piece, love it!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. Gegen Ananas bin ich extrem allergisch, aber Wassermelone liebe ich dafür umso mehr. 😉 Schmeckt super und hat wenig Kalorien.
    Dieses Outft macht gute Laune! Ach, was sag' ich da: Deinen ganzen Blog anzusehen hebt die Stimmung. Dein Stil ist nicht alltäglich – aber absolut authentisch. Jeder andere würde in deinen Kleidern verkleidet aussehen, aber bei dir ist es einfach klasse. Das bist DU und du weißt es und dieses Selbstbewusstsein ist etwas wahnsinnig Tolles, das ich bewundere und das mich einfach inspiriert!! 🙂

    Viele liebe Grüße

  3. I totally like the outfit but what I like even more, how positive the whole article is. I m also waiting for rainbow everytime it rains 🙂

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