Today it’s time for a lot of pink – fifty shades of pink.
Not just flamingos have pink wings, but my backpack too.
Isn’t this the sweetest colour ever for a name necklace?
Mister flamingo thinks so too and nods.
Gosh, I feel like in a world full of candy floss.
Everything is bright, sparkling and cute.
This is probably the only backpack I will ever consider as absolutely stunning.
A barbie dream come true with the cutest wings.
This shoes are described as “Hipster mermaid shoes”, I agree and love them.

Whenever I travel by bus or train, I spot many copies of the book “Fifty Shades of Gray”. I haven’t read it and I certainly never will, but every time I read the title it makes me a little bit sad. I imagine all this shades of gray next to each other and think, how much more beautiful fifty shades of any other colour would be. Fifty shades of gray sounds like a lot of boredom to me and like the complete absence of every excitement. When I put on today’s outfit with all it’s shades of pink, the title “Fifty Shades of Pink” popped into my mind immediately. Don’t you agree this is far more fun than gray? Pink and orange is a combination I didn’t try very often before, but I like how they enhance and contrast each other.

I am in love with every piece I wear and hope you see it in the pictures. What on earth can beat holographic shoes, a winged backpack and a flamingo bodysuit together in one outfit? My look is inspired by the creative outfits of the girls in Harajuku. I think especially the shoes and backpack express the cuteness of this kind of style very well. The first time I saw this backpack was on a Tokyo style blog and since then I couldn’t stop thinking about it, till I could call it my own.

From now on I wear my name around my neck. This name necklace was a very sweet unexpected gift from Sugar & Vice and since it arrived I don’t know how I could have been without it. I love the colour of the perspex and maybe with this people will finally understand that my name is spelled without an “h” at the end. If it doesn’t work, I don’t mind if people just remember me as the pink candy floss girl instead. Now you have to excuse me, I need to spread my wings and discover a few fluffy clouds.

What do you think about this outfit my lovely readers?

My Outfit: 

Bodysuit: Asos, Skirt: Vintage, Shoes: Ego and Greed, Backpack: Lostmannequin, Name Necklace: Sugar & Vice, Ring: Rachel’s Wonders, Bangles: H&M, Sunglasses: Primark

Thanks a lot Sugar & Vice for sending me this beautiful name necklace. I wear it every day since it arrived.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You kill me with this wonderful ensemble, Sara. I am dying for your gorgeous shoes, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Love, love, love.

  2. Schön zu sehen, dass Du den Ring richtig herum trägst hihi 😀
    Du ich war kürzlich bei Ikea, da gibts Gläser mit Flamingos drauf, da musste ich an Dich denken, hab sogar ein Bild gemacht 😀

  3. Hello my sweet Sara!! I love love those shoes, aren't they so precious and fun!?! I don't carry many bags, but I would certainly carry this bag too, love those wings!! You look marvellous and enchanting my dear!! I would be very upset if the world was only 50 Shades of Grey, I need colour always…so much happier :))) I hope you have a enchanting weekend Xxxxx

  4. I am sooooo jealous of your backpack! Really! I wanted to buy it myself in black or blue-pink but sadly Paypal doesn't want to work for me. Ugh.
    The coord of your outfit is amazing, as always.
    Simply lovely, like you ♥
    Have a nice weekend! xx

  5. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh those SHOES!!!! omg i need them in my life hehe
    yeeeeeey we have matching bags (except mines the blue and pink one) ^_^ Beautiful outfit post hun

  6. Super duper cute! I've wanted a Lostmannequin backpack for so long now, I really should bite the bullet and order one already because they really are too good. Love your whole look, especially the shoes xxx

  7. Very cool Would never be able to walk in those shoes you have on but great to look at ! New follower and hope you check out my blog about the great NYC and all it has to offer! Have a great rest of the day and I look forward to more of your posts.

    NYC Style and a little Cannoli

  8. Such a great look – and the rucksack is so cool!!! 🙂 Love your style, it's totally amazing.

  9. okay ich bin totaler fan von diesemoutfit ! ich weiss garnicht wo ich anfangen soll.. farben, schuhe, rucksack, body.. alles top!
    LG Michelle

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