candy, shoes, art, sweet
Ximena Yutronic, fashion, shoes, candy
candy, sweet sensations, shoes, fashion
candy, handbag, sweet, Ximena Yutronic

I seem to have a crush on Spanish designers recently: After introducing Yiddish Chutzpah and her wonderland dresses, I fell in love with another amazing designer from Spain: Palma de Mallorca based artist and designer Ximena Yutronic creates very special shoes and accessories, finding her inspiration in nature. There is no border between art and fashion in her work. Her shoes are like pieces of art and wearable fashion at the same time. Why restrict art to museums and galleries if you can wear sculptures on your feet?

The focus in this post is on the candy inspired pieces from her collection “Sweet Seasons”. Ximena creates stunning shoes and handbags all covered in leaves and flower petals worth a look as well. To me, the candy inspired work is the most surprising: At first sight the pieces – looking like covered in sugar – cause irritation. They seem to be made of real chocolate, strawberry ice cream and a mouthwatering sweet cream topping. Just at second sight, it’s revealed that they are recreations of sweets. Usually desserts have a very short life, they are eaten up quickly or the ice cream melts in the sun. Ximena stops the time and preserves the sweets, turning the dessert into something everlasting. Her work doesn’t just leave a sweet taste in your mouth for a second, but causes a sweet feeling in your heart whenever you look at her shoes and accessories again.

If you are interested to see more of Ximena Yutronic, please visit her Facebook Page or watch this video to see more of the collection. What do you think about this sweet shoes and accessories?

Where to buy:
In Store: The Gallery, Plaza del Mercat, 8, 07001 Palma, Spain
To Order: Feel free to contact Ximena Yutronic on Facebook.


  1. Yesssssssssss…..I would really really oh so love those second pair of shoes :))))) They are beautiful…I love them :)) You are spoiling me with sweet treats ;))) I love them & I will check them out definitely!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend my darling girl!! Lots of love to you!! xx

  2. Du bist und bleibst absolut wundervoll einzigartig und sowas von gutverrückt, Du verzückst mich mit jedem post :-))))
    Die Pumps und Peeptoes würde ich sofort tragen!Die sehen sowas von echt aus, glaub da muss man nicht nur auf die Fussfetisch ein Auge werfen ;D ich würd am liebsten rein beissen!
    Hab wunderschöne Weihnachten*** Liebste Grüsse Kira

  3. I didn´t know anything about him. Loving the shoes, and finding more about it all, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Thank you for sharing lovely Sara.

  4. Amazing!!! 🙂 I think if I had a pair (I SO WANT ONE! OR TWO! OR EVERYTHING!!) I would walk around, constantly craving for candy every time I look at them!!
    Seriously: This is a stunning designer, and the aesthetics of his creation is to die for!!

    How do you always find such treasure?! 🙂 You're like the Sherlock Holmes of finding inspiring fashion! (THIS is excactly the reason why people should follow you…)

  5. Lecker….! Und irgendwie richtig märchenhaft… Vielleicht eine Mischung aus Hänsel Und Gretel und Aschenputtel…? 🙂

  6. oh mein gott wie kommst du immer zu so tollen sachen?
    ok ich gebe zu…immer wenne s mir shclecht geht, wenn ich echt mich total "grau" fühle und nicht weiß was ich mit mir anfangen soll…oder einfach gesagt total unmotiviert und inspiration brauche…
    schaue ich mri deinen blog an…
    gott das klingt bestimmt irgendwie total krank aber ich liebe liebe liebe deinen style…die unbekümmertheit und einfahc die leichtigkeit, hier ist alles so einzigartig <3

    alles libe Amely Rose von:

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