shopping, London, haul
All the beautiful things I bought. But oh no: I even missed to add a few 😉

London, I lost my heart somewhere in a dark little street in the east of this amazing city. I can’t stay away too long and being there feels like an immediate boost of energy. I feel more like being myself while breathing British air and I love how open-minded and easygoing the people are. It always feels like not having been away at all, when I am in the pub with my dear former colleagues or walk around the flower market with my beloved ex-flatmate.

It’s always funny that a lot of tourists in London are asking me for taking my picture. I imagine them showing it at home as an image of a crazy London girl. This time I was even filmed by the German TV channel ZDF for a documentary about fashionable people in the east of London. I was very delighted, especially because the filming took place in my favourite street called Broadway Market. I don’t know if I’ll be seen in this documentary at all after they cut their material, but I’ll keep you informed.

My mind is completely full of the most beautiful memories from our trip. We walked through the city till our feet hurt and discovered many new things. London is a city where you always discover something you haven’t seen before, even after living there for a long time. There is always a beautiful building, a nice shop or a wonderful restaurant you’ve never seen before.

My stylish friend and me shopped a lot. The two girls of us went from shop to shop while our two sweet boyfriends had to be very, very patient and strong to suffer our never-ending haul. Usually I go shopping alone, but together with a like-minded friend it was far more fun. I think I never shopped so much before in my whole life.

The picture above is a little preview of the treasures I found. You will see a few of them in my next outfit posts of course. I’m already looking forward a lot of doing shootings with this new beauties. If you read my London Wish List post, you may have spotted a few of the things from it. Fortunately for my poor suffering credit card not all the things from the list were available or looked stunning on me. But a few unexpected things joined my bags instead. I feel like a completely new girl with all this beautiful things in my wardrobe. What do you think, does this look like a very successful trip to you as well?


  1. Hi, ehm die Mütze hab ich vor ein paar Monaten gekauft, und zwar in der Kinderabteilung von H&M wie man wahrscheinlich unschwer erkennen kann ^^
    Ich bin halt relativ klein (1,54) deshalb such ich mich da auch immer durch & bin auf die Mütze gestoßen. Ich denke derzeit gibts die nichtmehr bei H&M aber da sowas ja immer mal wieder kommt, von versch. Figuren undso.. würd ich einfach mal die Augen offen halten : )
    Danke auch für dein Lob & ja, es ist manchmal echt schwer, nicht ins zu kindliche abzurutschen, zumal ich auch echt noch so klein bin und alles :3
    Freut mich auf jedenfall, dass dir mein blog gefällt.
    LG Michelle <3

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