
Blog Award


My Blog was awarded with the “Best Blog Award” by Naïma from Tenebris Jewelry. I am delighted, because I really appreciate the opinion from this edgy lady. I own a few pieces of her jewellery and wear them a lot. I think one of the cool things about being awarded is, it means not just that somebody likes this blog, but as to have the opportunity to nominate blogs I am in love with. I am delighted, to present you three of the most awesome ladies I am following here.

The rules of the award are to answer 11 questions and to nominate ten bloggers with less than 200 followers. I decided to just nominate four bloggers, because I think nobody will have a look at 11 blogs in one post. The blogs I chose, are very different, all of them unique and wonderful in their very own way. Please pay them a visit and say hello. You will also find my little interview below and learn a little bit more about me and things I usually don’t talk about here like food and friendship.
vintage, retro, pink, cute
My Name is Peggy Sue

My Name is Peggy Sue
Elena’s blog is all in Spanish and I don’t understand a word, but I don’t miss a single one of her post. On her blog she shows the cutest dresses and gives us a glimpse into her pink world. She is a modern Alice in Wonderland and a big inspiration.
Speciality: The colour pink and wonderful dresses

blogger, fashion, edgy. look
The Wilder Things

The Wilder Things
I don’t know this blog for a long while, but it’s unlike most of the other blogs I read. The quality and editing of the pictures is very artistic and the outfits are refreshing.
Speciality: Edgy looks and surprising images

vintage,fifties, retro, twenties
Betty Bow

Betty Bow
This blog is a paradise for vintage lovers. Betty Bow is a lady with a delicate style. She knows how to style her hair and how to create amazing looks from the 30s to the 50s. She writes in German, but her pictures reach you no matter if you understand the text or not.
Speciality: Vintage looks and wonderful hats

11 Questions & 11 Answers from Lovely Sara

What is more important, the personality or the look of a person?
Personality is more important when choosing your friends certainly, but I adore people with a unique look. They are a big source of inspiration for me.

Why did you start your blog?
A lot of people told me they would love to see a website with my outfits. For a long time I didn’t even consider this idea, because I don’t like to see myself on pictures. I always loved to style myself but I am not very vain and don’t think I am especially beautiful. Just looking at other blogs encouraged me to start my own little blog.

When did you start your blog?
In January 2012.

Who inspired you to start something new?
Many people, especially my friends. I tend to underestimate myself and they always encourage me to have more trust in my skills. My friends also encouraged me to start a blog and their support and enthusiasm is always giving me a lot of energy to get better.

Do you follow a lot of blogs?
I visit a lot of blogs, but read just a few of my favourites all the time. What I like about blogs is their authenticity. Unlike glossy magazines, they offer a platform for a bigger variety of fashion and girls that don’t look like models but have the most amazing style are so much interesting to me than over-styled and retouched fashion shootings.

Let’s talk about food: What do you prefer, dessert or hearty meals?
Both! I love to eat and never skip a meal and there is no day without chocolate in my life.

Do you prefer to cook by yourself or have others cook for you?
I love both. During the week, I often eat in restaurants, because I don’t have so much time and look always forward to the weekend and plan meals then.

What book are you reading at the moment?
“The Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell

Which piece of fashion survived the longest in your wardrobe?
Because I didn’t put on weight since I am a teenager, there are many things I keep. Sometimes I don’t wear things for a long time and suddenly rediscover them.

What’s your favourite meal?
I love Indian food, especially a very, very spicy menu with paneer and papadums.

What characteristics are important for you in a friendship?
Honesty, loyalty and intelligence.

What’s your favourite movie?
I am a movie addict and watch a lot of movies. I do like Asian movies, horror, science fiction and English movies. A few of my favourites are “I’m a Cyborg but That’s Ok”, “Existenz”, “Howl’s Moving Castle”, “Lord of the Rings”, “The Fifth Element” and “Disney’s the Beauty and the Beast”.

My blog was awarded twice in the last two weeks. The awards were given by Marianne from A Hint of Redness and Alejandra from Musings in Red. It makes me happy to hear that lovely people like what I do and encourages me to get better and do more lovely posts. Thank you a lot for this award dear girls!

I’m having my blog for nearly nine months now and it feels like a huge benefit to my life. I am diving deeper and deeper into the world of fashion, discovering more new treasures and one of the most important things: I found a few gems of blogs I never want to miss again. Because of this I am very happy to pass on my award to four of my favourit bloggers. Many of you keep asking me where I get my inspiration from: This four girls and ladies are wonderful sources of inspiration to me, every one in her own way and with her unique style.

Please visit their pages as well and get amazed!

Fashion Hayley, blogger, flower crown, kawaii
Fashion Hayley
My Yahaira, blogger, Jeffrey Campbell, funky
My Yahaira
Mis Papelicos, Sacramento Amate, blogger, Spain
Mis Papelicos
Vio, blogger, Microphone Heart, retro
Microphone Heart.

Fashion Hayley
I admire this girl from the bottom of my heart! Her style is just like all my fashion dreams have come true. There is a lot of japanese influence in her style, her look is cute, bold and colorful. I pray she will never change to a more classical look, because she is the goddess of plastic, sparkle and shine to me!
Speciality: The Most Incredible Nail Art and Jelly Shoes

My Yahaira
She describes herself as a bilingual polka dot sheep, I think she looks like a rockstar and has an edgy and unconventional look. She must have all rainbow colours in her lipstick collection and I have to warn you that visiting her blog causes shoe envy. Enter her wonderland of fashion and music, it rocks!
Speciality: Crazy Sunglasses

Mis Papelicos
A true lady with an advanced style. Her outfits are full of spanish joy of life and eccentricity. She wears the most opulent jewellery and a lot of beautiful flower and fruit patterns. She doesn’t have just an excellent eye for combining outfits, but is as well very talented in designing clothes by herself.
Speciality: Amazing self-made stitchings

Microphone Heart.
A vintage girl from Berlin with a divine face and an incredible sense for fashion finds (often from flea markets and 2nd hand stores). Her tattoos accomplish her look in a very distinctive way. This blog is in German but if you don’t understand a word, it’s still worth a visit to look at her pictures in awe!
Speciality: Vintage Fashion Finds

Blog Lovin Award, Award, Blogger
Award Rules:
1. Post the award on your blog. / 2. Link to the blog who has awarded you.
3. Pass the award to 3-5 other blogs. / 4. Inform the winners and tell them the rules.
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