
Fruits in Fashion

cherry fascinator, giant cherry, Dotti's, hat
A big field of corn, full in bloom.
cherry headpiece, giant cherry, Dotti's, hat
Me as a cherry girl in the middle of a jungle of plants.
Dotti's, vintage dress with cherries, dress with bow
Wearing a big cheeky bow. It can’t be big enough!
cherry fascinator, Pearls and Swine, Melissa shoes, Dotti's
Guessing what Dorothy would say about this outfit.
cherry fascinator, giant cherry, Dotti's, fascinator
Ripe Cherries crowing my head, ready to be picked.
cherry fascinator, giant cherry, Dotti's, Melissa shoes
A swirling vintage skirt, made for dancing.
Melissa, shoes, jelly, cherry dress
Who will lead me to the dance floor in my magical red shoes?
Melissa, shoes, jelly, high heels
I am ready to clap my shoes and explore the wonderland of Oz.

Is fashion something shallow? Do you loose sight of the truly important questions in life if you occupy your mind too much with how to dress? A lot of people would agree, but I am convinced by the opposite: My wardrobe is a place full of tales about love, joy, tears and unexpected happenings, just as my bookshelf. The difference is, that clothes don’t tell stories about Mr. Darcey, Romeo and Juliet or Gulliver. They remind me of what I experienced while wearing them.

There is the dress I wore when I met my one true love, very close to my grandmother’s ear muffs and the shirt from last christmas party with my all my beloved. My clothes are as well souvenirs from all the places I visited. They keep a little bit of the spirit of countries form all over the world in my closet.

My outfit today just arrived in my life and it still needs to find it’s story. But it’s not blank as a white sheet, even now it knows a lot about overcoming temptation as well as about taking the bait:
I was in love with this vintage dress, when I spotted it in the webshop of Dotti’s, but tried to resist until someone else snatched it away. Later I figured out, the one who ordered it was not another girl, eager to wear it for a glittering summer, party but my darling. He couldn’t resist to buy it for me and made my eyes sparkle when I opened the box.

With the shoes it’s a similar story: It’s no secret that I am absolutely crazy about Melissa shoes. I am addicted to their distinctive bubblegum scent and the shiny jelly material. I am always waiting for their new collections like a little child is waiting for Santa Claus. This ones have been among my favorites of the recent summer collection but I’ve just seen them once in a shop in London and already had a bunch of shopping bags on my arm. I was browsing through a lot of online shops for them afterwards without success. A few weeks ago, I got a lovely voucher from Mirapodo and had a look at their good choice of products. That was when I found the magical red shoes again, on sale and available in my size. No need to guess that I took the bait.

This shoes and the beautiful dress must be destined to carry me into a story like Dorothy’s adventures in Oz, don’t you think so? I wish all my readers the experience of beautiful stories as well!

My Outfit:
Dress: Dotti’s, Shoes: Melissa via Mirapodo, Cherry Headpiece: Pearls & Swine

london street style, broadway market, ZDF reportage

Yesterday there was a documentary about London called “Hallo London” on the German TV channel called ZDF. I was seen for a very, very short glimpse. They asked me on my last trip to London if they might film me as an example of a fashionable girl in East London.

The documentary showed a few of my favourite places like Broadway Market, Brick Lane and the flower market at Columbia Road. I loved, that they focused on the East and skipped Buckingham Palace and the Wes Eend for once. The East is really the place to be and not just for the Olympics!

In case you speak German and are interested to see a little bit of East London, you can watch this documentary online here.

My Outfit:
Jacket with Studs: Topshop, T-Shirt: Lazy Oaf, Sunglasses: Accessorize, Handbag: Mango, Flowers: H&M

street style, apple bag, cutout dress, Topshop
apple bag, street style, Zurich, Chic in Zurich

The pictures from Andrea on her blog “Chic in Zurich” are always a pleasure to look at. Andrea selects and treats the people she’s photographing very sensitive.

I am very lucky to be on her blog for the second time already. She caught me when I was heading with my darling to the city in a rush. Like last time, I didn’t see her and she was running after me. I was very happy to meet her, she is such a wonderful girl and has the ability to make me wanna talk with her for hours. Andrea, next time I’ll hijack you for having cake and tea!

Click here to see her new Post about me with more pictures.
And here if you wanna see her first post about me again. 

My Outfit:
I was wearing the same dress as in my East London Girl post, but you didn’t see my gorgeous apple-shaped handbag in an outfit post before. Isn’t it lovely?

Dress: Topshop, Bag: Ollie & Nic, Sunglasses: Accessorize, Necklace: Lazy Oaf, Shoes: H&M
pineapple handbag, asos, fruits in fashion
Love: I’m the proud owner of a beautiful pineapple bag from Asos
pineapple handbag, asos, fruits in fashion
Tropical Fever: Trousers and Shirt from Zara. Necklace from my mother. Bangles from Becksöndergaard
pineapple handbag, asos, fruits in fashion, tropical trousers
Details: Matching fruit nails and how the bag looks while being carried
pineapple handbag, asos, fruits in fashion, fruity fingernails
Details: The pineapple has a flip top opening
Vivienne Westwood, Melissa, shoes, jelly
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood for Melissa
pineapple handbag, asos, fruits in fashion, pineapple
Two Pineapples: Which one is more juicy?

After my post about the melon, here follows another fruit: The pineapple. This sweet and juicy fruit stands for self-confidence, hospitality and exotic. Christopher Columbus discovered it during an excursion to south africa and since then it has been very popular. Specially because you can make delicious cocktails and desserts with it.

As you might now, I’m a huge fan of funny shaped bags and my latest discovery is this very eye-catching pineapple bag from Asos. It has exactly the same size as a real pineapple and I think it’s a very lovely interpretation of the fruit. I love how the woven straps form the body of the fruit. It’s quiet spacious inside and I manage to carry around more than just phone and lipstick in it. The pineapple bag has a flip top opening with a press-stud fastening and a body strap with adjustable length. It’s a very funny feeling to sit in the train and open the pineapple to pick out the ticket.
I combine my pineapple bag with tropical print trousers and a simple coralline shirt. The colorful fruit nails make the outfit complete.

This pineapple is the perfect bag for a bright summer outfit. I’ll take it out for having a few cocktails (maybe even a Pina Colada). The pineapple will be the star of this summer for sure!

Lazy Oaf, watermelon skirt, melon skirt, fruits in fashion
My watermelon skirt from Lazy Oaf
fingernails, melon, pink
Fingernails can dress up as watermelons too
Vivette, melon, Tatty Devine, Monki, fruits in fashion
Other watermelon fashion: Skirt/dress from Vivetta, bag from Monki, hat and necklace from Tatty Devine

The melon stands as a symbol for erotic, freshness and luck in love life. If I see a watermelon I have to think about summer instantly. Refreshing yourself with a piece of watermelon is the second best thing you can do in hot weather. The very best thing is to dress up and transform yourself into a melon!

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my Lost Fashion Treasures, things no longer available to buy but I really regret not having. One of them was the quirky watermelon skirt from Lazy Oaf. Last week a little miracle happened: Lazy Oaf had three of them back in stock and one of them is my treasure now. I love that the skirt transforms you into a melon, instead of just showing a fruit pattern.

I was browsing to find some other examples of watermelons in fashion, all of them from the latest collections, ready to order and brighten up your wardrobe: If you want melon clothes with a less cartoonlike look, I would recommend you the pretty dress or skirt on the picture above from the italian label Vivetta. Showing your love for the sweet fruit in accessories is possible with melon jewellery from Tatty Devine or a clutch from Monki.

So what are you waiting for? Dress as a fruit and have fun!

Tatty Devine, Melissa, Marc Jacobs, Agent Provocateur, Lazy Oaf, D&G

Sometimes (but not very often) you meet someone and know at first sight this person will have a place in your heart forever. It’s the same with fashion: It happens that you see a a special item and you are completely enchanted and never forget about. For various reasons it might happen that you don’t buy it. Maybe you keep a picture of it, pinned at a wall or hidden in a drawer. From time to time you might look at it, always with a bitter sweet feeling of regret.

I believe that fashion is not just about having the key pieces from the current collection of the designer of the moment, but about developing a personal style and find his own key pieces. Don’t trust in the latest trends, trust your taste!

Today I show you a few things I regret not buying. All of them are gone from the shops but I still wish to own one or all of them and keep browsing Ebay. If anyone out there has one of this items stored in the attic: Please step forward!

My unfulfilled fashion dreams:

Lady Dragon Cherry Shoes from Vivienne Westwood for Melissa
I love fruits in fashion and i love Melissa shoes, so this is the perfect shoe for me. I told myself that I already have three other styles of Lady Dragon shoes in exactly the same shape and didn’t buy it. How could I ever believe this just for a single second? Once I’ve seen a beautiful bride wearing them for her wedding on a blog, it was just perfect and I wished it was me.

Fireworks Necklace from Tatty Devine
As a girl with a growing Tatty Devine Collection I should definitely own this necklace. I think it’s among their most beautiful pieces they ever made and it brings sweet memories of bonfire night into my mind.

Metal Corset Belt from Dolce&Gabbana
I even considered hiring a smith to make me something similar to this but I just couldn’t find someone who was experienced in doing anything else expect horse shoes and knives. I didn’t buy this belt because it was far too expensive. My bank account is thankful, but am I?

Watermelon Skirt from Lazy Oaf
This is the most recent item on my list. Another fruit-thing. I didn’t order this amazing skirt because I wasn’t sure about the perfect size. I read on another blog that it’s very, very tiny. Now it’s gone and I’m jealous of everyone who has one.

Bikini from Agent Provocateur
This is the perfect bikini for a modern Pin-up! I love the combination of denim and gingham with the incredibly cute fake pockets. The fact that I didn’t had any beach holidays planed prevented me from buying it and makes me still regretting.

Fake Fur Jacket from Country Road
I was living out of the suitcase for months when i found this jacket. I knew all I can carry with me has to be less than 30 kg. That’s why I didn’t buy this big fluffy animal of a jacket. Till today I can’t say if the material reminds me more of fur or feathers. I’ve seen some similar jackets, but never one as beautiful as this.

I am very curious if you are have a list like mine in your head as well. What piece of fashion do you regret not buying?

By the way: This is my first post in English. Since I started my blog I couldn’t decide about the language. I started to write in German cause there are not so many similar blogs to mine in German and for my friends who can’t speak English. Let me know which language you prefer!

Der Frühling naht und bald schon wachsen auch hierzulande wieder die ersten Früchte auf Feldern und Wiesen. Bei mir ist es schon jetzt so weit und die Kirschen erblühen in voller Pracht, zwar nicht im Garten, aber in Form von einem wunderbaren Headpiece: Wer meinen Artikel “Köpfchen schmück dich” gelesen hat, weiss um meine Begeisterung für übergrosse Kirsch-Dekoration. Auch mein Liebster hat diese Euphorie mitbekommen. Deswegen lag diese Woche ein schmuckes Paket für mich bereit, mit den sehnsüchtig erwünschten Früchtchen von Pearls and Swine. Das Headpiece ist etwa so alltagstauglich wie High-Heels für einen Marathon, aber so ist es oft mit den Objekten der modischen Begierde: Es sind meist die ach-so-zu-hohen Schuhe, die nach dem Kauf ausschliesslich im Schrank stehen oder das Kleid, das eigentlich doch für jeden Anlass zu ausgefallen ist. Aber das schmälert die Freude keineswegs. Nur schon das Wissen, dass da in der hübschen Box, sorgfältig in Seidenpapier verpackt, die herzallerliebsten Riesenkirschen auf dem Regal warten, fühlt sich wie eine wunderschöne Bereicherung an. 

Ich bin gespannt was ihr zu den Kirschen meint und was für beinahe oder ganz unbenutzte Objekte der Begierde in euren Kleiderschränken lauern. Was habt ihr euch schon verrücktes gekauft?

Pearls and Swine, cherry fascinator, headpiece, giant cherriesPearls and Swine, cherry fascinator, headpiece, giant cherries
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