
Lovely Trend

fashion, emerald, colour of the year, 2013
Bangle: Ted Baker at House of Fraser, Lipstick: Lime Crime, Leopard Ring: Z Designs at Pink Mascara,
Scarf: Kurt Geiger, Jelly Shoes: Vivienne Westwood for Melissa at Zappos,
Peacock feather purse: Inspired by Claire Jane at Zappos, Dress: Topshop, Earrings: Liz Law at Bottica,
Multi Stone Ring: Asos, Peacock Bracelet: Indian Bazaar at L-Atitude, Flatform Shoes: Asos

Are you curious year after year, which colour is chosen by Pantone as the colour of the year? I always can’t wait to know and this year I especially love the chosen colour: 2012 was the year of Tangerine Tango, 2013 is the year of Emerald. Pantone says about Emerald: “Lively. Radiant. Lush… A colour of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony.” I absolutely agree with this statement!

As you might have noticed, emerald appears again and again in my outfits. I have the feeling that it enhances not just my well-being, but the colour of my complexion as well. I never feel ugly, while wearing emerald. I didn’t know about the colour of the year, when I chose my New Year’s Eve outfit, now it makes me smile that I even called the post “Emerald Fireworks”. What a promising start of the year!

If you don’t wear emerald, I strongly recommend it to you. It’s an absolutely flattering colour and makes you dream about the Emerald City in the Land of Oz, where everything is built of emeralds, other jewels and green glass. I think this colour makes every girl pretty, no matter what skin or hair colour she has.

Do you think Emerald is a good choice as colour of the year and will you wear it?

trend, 2013, shoes, transparency
Top left corner: Miss Sixty at Zalando, Bottom left corner: Hotel at Asos, Middle: B Store at Farfetch,
Top right corner: Stelle McCartney at The Outnet, Bottom left corner: Irregular Choice at Schuh

Since seeing the perspex heeled shoes from the Maison Martin Margiela Collection for H&M, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I admired the pretty, transparent heel very much, but wished they were more playful and in a bright colour. After a little bit of research, I am happy to present you a choice of shoes with this desirable kind of heel from other labels and exactly to my taste. Lovely candy colours and vibrant pink and red make them true eye catchers for warmer days. The heels are either in one colour, with a colour gradient or even with a little pattern. Imagine how beautiful the heels will look, when the sun shines on them…

I can’t decide which shoes are my favourite yet, but I tend to like the ones from Irregular Choice with the purple heels and the attached flowers (bottom right corner) a lot. They are the most fancy ones.

So what are you waiting for? Prepare yourself for spring and brighten up your shoe closet with a pair of these transparent heeled shoes! They will be the trendy thing to walk around when the weather gets warmer, I assure you.

Which shoes from my choice do you love best?

Shop my favourites and other cool shoes with transparent heels:

trend, fashion, lilac, 2013, spring
Cardigan: Zalando, Bangles: Forever 21, Shoes: Asos, Dress: Mod Cloth, Sunglasses: Oasap, Coat: Oasap, Flower Crown: Lavish Alice, Necklace: Alter Ego

The new year is just a few days old and I feel so bored of the grey sky. My desire for colours as sweet as candy is very strong and one particular is on my mind the whole time: Lilac. This colour is full of romance, tenderness and grace. Lilac is a little bit similar to light pink, just cooler and less girly. It’s said that lilac is very unique and special, but without the deeper mystery of purple.

Imagine yourself wearing the outfit from above, all dressed in this truly feminine colour with glitter and roses: You would look like you just stepped out of a wonderful dream. I choose a coat and cardigan, because the weather is not warm yet, but nevertheless the outfit is promising springtime tea time parties to come soon.

Lilac is my personal springtime favourite this year and I hope there will be a lot of beautiful things in this colour to be found to brighten up the wardrobe. I already told you that metallic colours will be very trendy in spring and lilac is a perfect match for them. It goes well with silver, gold, metallic pink or green. What do you think about lilac and the pieces above, do they make you dream of a garden full of hydrangeas?

trend, wings, fashion
Ring: Wildfox at Jades24, Necklace: Tatty Devine, Backpack: Lostmannequin, Shoes: Vivienne Westwood for Melissa at Asos, Fascinator: Pearls & Swine*

Christmas is the time of the angels and as well the opportunity for you to become one! All you need to spread your wings are the right accessories. There is a heavenly touch for every kind of outfit: A winged backpack for your casual outfits (Lostmannequin), an elegant fascinator for going out in the evening (Pearls & Swine), jelly shoes for dancing like a disco angel (Vivienne Westwood for Melissa at Asos) and jewellery for everyday (Ring from Wildfox at Jades24, Necklace from Tatty Devine).

As a little girl, I played an angel in the Christmas play at our school. I had long blond hair and my mother curled it for me. My halo was made of golden cardboard and I wore a long white dress (probably made of curtain fabric). Our lovely teacher was the makeup artist and used a lot of glitter and light pink lipstick to finish the look. I always loved to dress up, to act and to sing. Doing all this things while being dressed up as an angel was a lot of excitement for a little girl.

This accessories remind me of that moment and give me a warm feeling. I just can’t decide which of this wings shall be mine… What do you like best?

* Pearls & Swine Fascinator: Model: Alexandra Robb and Jacq Boulton, MUA: Ria Yvonne,  
Clothing: Chloe Kent, Photographed by Rekha Garton Photography

Joanna Pybus, fashion, eyes, eye balls
Shaggy Jumper, trousers and applique eyes top: Joanna Pybus, available at Bengt.
Eye necklace: Asos. Googley eye clutch: Asos. Eyeball Ring: Me & Zena.

Do you often have the experience of strange people staring at you on the street? Then it’s time to stare back! There is something you could call an invasion of comical eyes in fashion and I love it. There are eyes on jumpers, handbags and accessories, all a little bit whimsical. They seem to twinkle with humour and ask to take them out.

Especially the jumper and the top on the picture above make my heart beat faster. Both of them are designed by London based Joanna Pybus. Her fashion is a true pop culture statement and inspired by postmodernism. Joanna Pybus graduated from the University of East London this year and the pieces shown here are part of her first collection called “Splice me”. It looks like a very promising debut in my opinion and I would love to get my hands on a piece of this collection. I will definitely keep an eye on her (hopefully while wearing one of her jumpers together with some eye jewellery ;-)).

What do you think about eyes and eyeballs in fashion, is it your cup of tea?

heart shaped glasses, golden frame, Asos, Lana Del Rey
My newest version of the beloved heart shaped glasses from Asos
heart shaped glasses, vintage picture, girl
Me as a child with my first heart shaped glasses

Lana Del Ray, Marianne Faithfull, Sue Lyon, heart shaped glasses
Beautiful Lolitas: Lana Del Rey, Marianne Faithfull and Sue Lyon

From my early childhood till now, I’ve always been a big fan of heart shaped glasses. When I was four years old, they were just the greatest thing to have. Nowadays I’m a proud owner of a little collection with many different colors and variations of them.

The most iconic look including this fabulous glasses is of course Sue Lyon wearing them in Stanley Kubrick’s movie Lolita (1962). Even today, heart shaped glasses always remind of her.

In my personal view, the heart shaped glasses had their revival in 2006/2007. They rocked the catwalks from Moschino, to Luella and Blugirl. Many celebrities such as Peaches Geldorf, Britney Spears, Kelly Osborne or Bat for Lashes have been spotted with them. The most memorable impression they made on me during this time was with their appearance in Marilyn Manson’s video to the song “Heart Shaped Glasses”, released 2007. In the video, Rachel Evan Wood is seen as a modern interpretation of a – not so innocent – Lolita.

Heart shaped glasses are hot this season too: My latest version is a simple one with a thin golden frame, just as seen recently on Lana Del Ray. I love them, because they have a classy touch and look less quirky as with a colored plastic frame.

Take a heart and wear glasses like this!

Lazy Oaf, watermelon skirt, melon skirt, fruits in fashion
My watermelon skirt from Lazy Oaf
fingernails, melon, pink
Fingernails can dress up as watermelons too
Vivette, melon, Tatty Devine, Monki, fruits in fashion
Other watermelon fashion: Skirt/dress from Vivetta, bag from Monki, hat and necklace from Tatty Devine

The melon stands as a symbol for erotic, freshness and luck in love life. If I see a watermelon I have to think about summer instantly. Refreshing yourself with a piece of watermelon is the second best thing you can do in hot weather. The very best thing is to dress up and transform yourself into a melon!

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my Lost Fashion Treasures, things no longer available to buy but I really regret not having. One of them was the quirky watermelon skirt from Lazy Oaf. Last week a little miracle happened: Lazy Oaf had three of them back in stock and one of them is my treasure now. I love that the skirt transforms you into a melon, instead of just showing a fruit pattern.

I was browsing to find some other examples of watermelons in fashion, all of them from the latest collections, ready to order and brighten up your wardrobe: If you want melon clothes with a less cartoonlike look, I would recommend you the pretty dress or skirt on the picture above from the italian label Vivetta. Showing your love for the sweet fruit in accessories is possible with melon jewellery from Tatty Devine or a clutch from Monki.

So what are you waiting for? Dress as a fruit and have fun!

mexican fashion, Frida Kahlo, Mexico

Während es draussen eisig kalt ist, erfreuen uns die Bilder von den neuen Frühlings/Sommerkollektionen. Dieses Jahr haben sich einige Designer vom mexikanischen Flair inspirieren lassen. Bunte Farben, auffällige Muster, die extravagante Frida Kahlo und fröhliche Skelette bringen eine geballte Ladung romantische Lebensfreude in den Kleiderschrank.

Vielleicht entspringt dieser Trend der Sehnsucht nach mehr Wärme und Fröhlichkeit im grauen Alltag. Was kann da ein besseres Vorbild sein als Mexiko, wo sogar der Tag der Toten (Dia de los Muertos) ein farbenprächtiges Fest der Freude ist?

Natürlich sind auch Accessoires sehr wichtig für diesen Look. Zum Outfit gehören auf jeden Fall Blumen ins Haar und der Schmuck darf ruhig opulent sein. Das englische Schmucklabel Tatty Devine hat gleich seine ganze Kollektion dem Mexikothema gewidmet. Von der Frida Kahlo Brosche, über die Papageien-Kette und bunt verzierte Totenköpfen ist hier alles zu finden für das perfekte Mexiko-Outfit. Damit steht der ausgelassenen Fiesta nichts mehr im Wege.

Wer noch nicht genügend inspiriert ist, sollte sich den Film “Frida” mit Salma Hayek als Frida Kahlo schnappen und dem Zauber von Mexiko total erliegen!

Links zu den abgebildeten Mexikoschätzen:
Tatty Devine
Vivien of Holloway
House of Holland
Mara Hoffman

minnie mouse hat, minnie beanie, mouse beanie
Lady Gaga, Cate Blanchett, Jessy J, Marilyn Manson

Wer liebte sie nicht als Kind, die Mickey Mouse Heftchen mit den spannenden Geschichten aus Entenhausen? Nebst den unwiderstehlich schönen Prinzessinnen wie Cinderella, Belle und Schneewittchen, ist vor allem Minnie der Charakter, welche eine grosse Faszination ausübt. Sie steht als Inbegriff für mädchenhaften Spass und neckischen Charm. Minnie ist eine Lady mit Stil und Geschmack, stets adrett gekleidet und hat viel Temperament. Sie trägt gerne überdimensionale Maschen auf dem Kopf, mag süss gepunktete Kleider und die Farbe Rot. Zu ihrer äusseren Erscheinung gehören auch stets die zu grossen Pumps mit Absatz. Minnie ist die Disney-Stilikone schlechthin. Nicht nur kleine Mädchen lieben sie, sondern auch grössere können sich dem Bann nicht entziehen, ein wenig Miss Mouse sein zu wollen. Minnie muss man einfach lieben, diese süsse Maus!

Heute beschäftigen wir uns nicht mit Minnies Mode, sondern mit ihrem körperlich auffälligsten Merkmal: Die Mausohren. Immer wieder inspirieren sie Designer für Neuinterpretationen. Ob die klassische Haarreif-Variante aus dem Disney-Shop, gestrickt, oder auch aus Plastik: Die Ohren sind ein Statement sondergleichen. Sie stehen für jugendliche Träume und süsse Verspieltheit. In ihrer sehr reduzierten Art und Weise, ohne Schnörkel und Verzierungen, sind sie ein markanter und mutiger Eyecatcher.

Meine diesjährige Variante ist eine gestrickte Kappe welche warm gibt und in liebevoller Handarbeit in Amerika für mich angefertigt wurde. Mir fällt auf, dass viele Leute auf der Strasse mir mit einem Lächeln voller nostalgischer Sehnsucht begegnen. Sind wir nicht alle ein wenig Minnie ab und zu in unseren Träumen?

Bild oben:
Lovely Sara mit Kappe von Little Bears Crochet

Bild unten:
Jessie J mit Minnie-Haarreif
Lady Gaga mit Mickey Mouse Sonnenbrille von Linda Farrow Jeremy Scott
Cate Blanchett mit Kopfschmuck von Piers Atkinson
Blutsgeschwister Katalog 2010
Marilyn Manson fotografiert von Gottfried Heinwein
Topshop Unique Modeshow Fall 2011

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