
Minnie Mouse

Hello, nice to meet you, I am Lovely Sara.
My world is full of hearts, bows and polka dots.
I love red lipstick and feel the happiest with a big bow on my head.
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My heart beats for fashion.
I love all the colours, but a vibrant red always makes me dance.
I am obsessed with jelly shoes and want to look lovely from head to toe all the time.

When I started my blog, the first thing I did was to design a logo. The little comic icon I created includes the most characteristic things of my look: My bob haircut with fringe, a big bow headband and red lips. I added a big heart as a symbol for my never ending love for creative fashion.

The icon is me and I am the icon. I think I didn’t just create it, but it also shaped me. I began to turn more and more into Lovely Sara. Therefore it’s strange, I never showed an outfit post dressed like the Logo-Sara. I am very delighted, I can finally do this and say: Hello, nice to meet you, I am Lovely Sara. I love all the colours of the rainbow and my style is full of many influences from the 50s to Japanese Street Styles to Pop Culture, but this look (you might call it the “Lovely Sara Look”) is always a favourite. I feel very well dressed with a big bow and a polka dot dress and I think it’s visible on the pictures. The look is a little bit Minnie Mouse inspired with a retro touch. I can’t explain, but wearing bows makes me happy. This one in shiny PVC from The Velvet Village especially.

Being Lovely Sara feels like what I always wanted to be. It’s the result of an uncompleted, but already very long journey. When I was a teenager I didn’t know as much is I do now about who I really am.  I think most people are not born with their style, but their taste and understanding of style is growing and getting more particularly over the years. Style needs experience. Another thing I learned since I am a teenager is to expect that there is no stereotypic me, but I am made of thousands of facets and can’t be put into a box. When I was younger, I always tried to fit myself into a box, because I thought this would tell me where I do belong. Am I a goth, a punk, a vintage vixen? It was a long journey to see, that I am neither. I am a Minnie Mouse today, the next day a colourful circus performer, a pink flamingo girl or an elegant retro lady. Being so many different things doesn’t mean to loose myself, like I was afraid at first, but it is who I really am. I think people are not made to fit into a box, but to be a mixture of millions of things, made by their individual story. Like a complex menu with many ingredients and spices to create a unique taste. I don’t wear the Lovely Sara Look every day, but I am always Lovely Sara, changing and turning more into my real me.

How do you like the “Lovely Sara Look”?

My Outfit: 

Dress: Hell Bunny at Amazon, Petticoat: Ebay, Tights: Primark,
Bow Headband: The Velvet Village at EtsyShoes: Vivienne Westwood for Melissa (not recent)

Don’t forget to enter my Tatty Devine Give Away.

Atsuko Kudo, Tatty Devine, Lazy Oaf, Topthop
1) Heart Dress: Lazy Oaf  2) Perspex Bow Headband: Tatty Devine
3) Eyelash Sunglasses: Tatty Devine 4) Rubber Kitty Collar: Atsuko Kudo
5) Red Flower Swimsuit: River Island 6) Wedge Creeper Shoes: Underground 7) Cut-Out Dress: Topshop
Tatty Devine, Lazy Oaf, Topshop, Dolly Dagger, Cath Kidston
1) Parakeet Necklace: Tatty Devine 2) Jubilee Mug: Cath Kidston 3) Heart Dress: Topshop
 4) Love Hearts Shirt: Topshop 5) Minnie Mouse Backpack: Lazy Oaf 6) Stripe Taffeta Dress: Dolly Dagger

I’m very excited about my next trip to lovely London next week. Of course a lot of shopping will be included. London is the shopping heaven on earth for sure! Because I’m still rather homesick since I don’t live there anymore, I always give in to the temptation to buy as much as possible while on my trips. It feels like taking a part of home with me for having something to cheer me up while I’m longing for London from far, far away. I can’t take my favourite pub with me or the Buckingham palace, so tons of clothes and bits and bobs have to suffice. 😉

I could easily spend weeks with just shopping in this city. There are so many things around exactly fitting to my taste, whereas in Switzerland I miss a certain kind of excitement. As you all know, I’m a big fan of vintage clothing and it’s always unpredictable what you’ll find in this kind of stores. Nonetheless, there are also non-vintage shops which I do like. Here I’ll present you a little wish list of London’s shopping treasures I’ve already discovered on the web. I’m very eager to see them in real and I wonder which of this lovelies will follow me to Switzerland…

What do you think about this things? Do you know any especially cool shops in London?

Minnie Mouse, fringe, hair style, cut
Being Minnie: Now i just need longer lashes and a black dot on my nose

With summer approaching unfortunately I can’t wear my Minnie crochet anymore. I already started to miss a little bit of Minnie in my life. Just wearing a bow is just not enough Minnie feeling anymore. That’s why I’m very lucky to have found another way to bring back Miss Mouse into my style:

It’s much more subtle than wearing plastic mouse ears on top of my head:
I had my lovely hairdresser cut my fringe into the pointed, characteristic Minnie shape. It’s just a small change to the straight fringe I had before, but I think it makes my haircut more edgy.

I don’t know if other people with this fringe style had as well Minnie as a source of inspiration. Maybe the fabulous Broken Hearts did.

What do you think about my new fringe shape?

minnie mouse hat, minnie beanie, mouse beanie
Lady Gaga, Cate Blanchett, Jessy J, Marilyn Manson

Wer liebte sie nicht als Kind, die Mickey Mouse Heftchen mit den spannenden Geschichten aus Entenhausen? Nebst den unwiderstehlich schönen Prinzessinnen wie Cinderella, Belle und Schneewittchen, ist vor allem Minnie der Charakter, welche eine grosse Faszination ausübt. Sie steht als Inbegriff für mädchenhaften Spass und neckischen Charm. Minnie ist eine Lady mit Stil und Geschmack, stets adrett gekleidet und hat viel Temperament. Sie trägt gerne überdimensionale Maschen auf dem Kopf, mag süss gepunktete Kleider und die Farbe Rot. Zu ihrer äusseren Erscheinung gehören auch stets die zu grossen Pumps mit Absatz. Minnie ist die Disney-Stilikone schlechthin. Nicht nur kleine Mädchen lieben sie, sondern auch grössere können sich dem Bann nicht entziehen, ein wenig Miss Mouse sein zu wollen. Minnie muss man einfach lieben, diese süsse Maus!

Heute beschäftigen wir uns nicht mit Minnies Mode, sondern mit ihrem körperlich auffälligsten Merkmal: Die Mausohren. Immer wieder inspirieren sie Designer für Neuinterpretationen. Ob die klassische Haarreif-Variante aus dem Disney-Shop, gestrickt, oder auch aus Plastik: Die Ohren sind ein Statement sondergleichen. Sie stehen für jugendliche Träume und süsse Verspieltheit. In ihrer sehr reduzierten Art und Weise, ohne Schnörkel und Verzierungen, sind sie ein markanter und mutiger Eyecatcher.

Meine diesjährige Variante ist eine gestrickte Kappe welche warm gibt und in liebevoller Handarbeit in Amerika für mich angefertigt wurde. Mir fällt auf, dass viele Leute auf der Strasse mir mit einem Lächeln voller nostalgischer Sehnsucht begegnen. Sind wir nicht alle ein wenig Minnie ab und zu in unseren Träumen?

Bild oben:
Lovely Sara mit Kappe von Little Bears Crochet

Bild unten:
Jessie J mit Minnie-Haarreif
Lady Gaga mit Mickey Mouse Sonnenbrille von Linda Farrow Jeremy Scott
Cate Blanchett mit Kopfschmuck von Piers Atkinson
Blutsgeschwister Katalog 2010
Marilyn Manson fotografiert von Gottfried Heinwein
Topshop Unique Modeshow Fall 2011

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