
Tatty Devine

Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend

I’ve always had this thing with neon. Like a moth attracted by the light, I am drawn to bright, fluorescent colours and neon signs. It’s either because I am an eighties child or that it runs in my veins.

When my grandfather was a young man, he went to Italy on holiday and saw “glowing advertisings” for the first time. He was so captured by this that when he went home to his tiny village, he decided to start a neon sign company. Probably the first one in the country. My grandma told me that people called him mad, but he believed in it, and the company still exists. If I still had some of the signs they produced, I’d love to mix them with the tropical neon collection in my living room and have a Mini-Vegas at home.

Thinking about my grandfather makes me wish I could do something as exciting and new as bringing neon signs to a place where people haven’t seen them before. But it has become tougher to come up with something new in a world where an eight-year-old might tell you that he has seen it all before. The resurrected 80’s trend of wearing hot pink and blinding yellow still catches some stares for sure, but the times when it was genuinely shocking are long gone. 

But it didn’t lose its excitement, so let’s follow the neon trail this summer and don’t follow the style guides that tell you to pair your neon pieces with beige please.

Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend Essential Antwerp Who is that Girl WTG Antwerp Gentle Monster Tatty Devine 90s cd earrings pink hair sibling Zurich streetart Bally shoes sandals
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend Essential Antwerp Who is that Girl WTG Antwerp Gentle Monster Tatty Devine 90s cd earrings pink hair sibling Zurich streetart Bally shoes sandals
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend Essential Antwerp Who is that Girl WTG Antwerp Gentle Monster Tatty Devine 90s cd earrings pink hair sibling Zurich streetart Bally shoes sandals
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend Essential Antwerp Who is that Girl WTG Antwerp Gentle Monster Tatty Devine 90s cd earrings pink hair sibling Zurich streetart Bally shoes sandals
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend Essential Antwerp Who is that Girl WTG Antwerp Gentle Monster Tatty Devine 90s cd earrings pink hair sibling Zurich streetart Bally shoes sandals
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend Essential Antwerp Who is that Girl WTG Antwerp Gentle Monster Tatty Devine 90s cd earrings pink hair sibling Zurich streetart Bally shoes sandals
Sara is in Love with… Swiss fashion blogger red dress look vintage summer neon trend Essential Antwerp Who is that Girl WTG Antwerp Gentle Monster Tatty Devine 90s cd earrings pink hair sibling Zurich streetart Bally shoes sandals

My Outfit
Dress: Who’s That Girl, Cardigan: Sibling Vintage, Earrings & Necklace: Tatty Devine,
Handbag: Essential Antwerp, Sunglasses: Gentle Monster, Shoes: Bally from Fashionfish, Socks: Glassworks, Phone Case: Valfre, Nails: Nailstudio Diva

Pictures: Marco Borromeo. This post contains sponsored products.

Chesire Cat dress, summer look, coupette lagerfeld
Naposhop, cheesier cat dress, disney dress
house of holland, pink sunglasses, pink hair
Karl Lagerfeld Choupette,  blogger summer look
choupette box bag, karl lagerfeld, chesire cat print
chesire cat dress, alice in wonderland dress, tatty devine statement
pink summer look, cat outfit, chesire cat look
house of holland, pink sunglasses, pink hair
tatty devine necklace, peony necklace, pink statement necklace
naposhop, disney dress, chesire cat outfit

Oh, Alice, I wish so much I could join you in crazy wonderland, play flamingo croquet, have a tea party with the mad hatter and try to solve the riddles of the Chesire Cat. Agreed, the last Alice in Wonderland movie was a disaster, but this can‘t harm my love for the world and the characters by Lewis Carroll.

Especially now, right after holidays I feel the strong need for a magical escape and going back to the everyday routine feels like the fall into a rabbit hole. It was just too beautiful to have time for my own, just to do whatever I want (working for the blog is always high on the list of course). No need to get up early and no reason not to stay up the whole night. I‘ve been wearing my Chesire Cat dress a lot during holidays and got quite some compliments for it. No wonder: Grinning cats rule!

You can still look forward to see a few more expressions from Amsterdam, stay tuned! Sharing my memories with you allows me to dream of sweet holidays a little bit longer.  Advise from the caterpillar: Just book the next holidays right after coming back, nothing helps better to beat the blues.

My Outfit:

Dress: Napo Shop, Necklace: Tatty Devine, Bag: Karl Lagerfeld,
Sunglasses: House of Holland, Shoes: Melissa, Socks: The Whitepepper, Ring: Vintage
Tatty Devine, SS16, statement necklace

I wanted to do a shopping finds article including all the lovely new pieces popping up here and there. Cunning Tatty Devine changed my mind when I saw their great new collection. I just had to dedicate a post to their SS16 only. The new acrylic masterstroke is called, “Skies of Antiquity” and it is inspired by nature, Roman Architecture, the Renaissance and classic iconography. Tatty Devine takes you back in time to the era of The Grand Tour of Europe.

Of course, there is no tour without souvenirs and this is where the jewellery comes in: All pieces are part of a numbered edition between 50 and 150 and come with an exclusive certificate of authenticity that makes those pieces ideal for collectors and magpies with a love for statement jewellery. Collecting Tatty is therefore far cooler than collecting little statues of famous buildings!

I tried but couldn’t resist at all, so my first order is already placed. You can guess in the comments what piece I went for if you like me to tell you. I am almost sure it’s not the only item I’ll get from this collection…

What do you think of Skies of Antiquity and do you have any favourites?

neoprene jumper, American Retro, retro game fashion
Baby-G watch, pink, 90s watch
Neoprene jumper, retro game fashion, Tatty devine
Neoprene jumper, flock mini, pink look
Tatty Devine, 80s phone, statement necklace
le specs sunglasses, pink hair, baby-g watch
neoprene jumper, retro game fashion, 1979 jumper
baby-g, pink watch, casio
Skinny Dip, furry backpack, pink and grey
Game over, done and finished. This is how I felt at the end of the year. 2015, you have been exhausting, and drained me of the last bit of energy I had left. All I wanted to do with my time off this week was sleeping, listening to Kate Bush, eating crisps and watching Star Trek.

I didn’t plan to abandon the blog and take a break, but I suddenly felt that this is what I need. Readers might believe that I always have a happy life because of my colourful pictures, but don’t get me wrong: Just because I don’t dress in black and boring, doesn’t mean there is no stress in my life.

Nonetheless of the sudden break, we shot a few outfit posts. My photographer had a couple of days off and the weather was good, it would have been an unforgivable neglect. I only couldn’t force myself to edit the pictures. I started several times, but my concentration was very poor. I walked away from my computer every few minutes and ended up tidying my wardrobe, baking bread or chatting on the phone.

I love all the looks we shot, but I just didn’t feel like seeing my face on the screen. Many people think that bloggers must be narcissistic, the truth is that I don’t like to see myself on pictures at all. It’s all about the looks I want to show you. Sometimes I nearly despair on the model (myself) not being able to fulfill the high standards I’d like to have while being the only choice of a model I have. My grin looks ridiculous on 99 of 100 pictures, and longer legs couldn’t hurt (Ok, my legs look damn long in these images, I seriously don’t know what magic my photographer did, but let’s face it: I’m just far, far away from being Cara Delevigne). But because I can’t change it and fashion runs through my veins like blood, I will go on and on. I promise. A few days of rest did well; you see: I left my bedsheets for you, and I promise, I’ll surprise you this year and go even more colourful and crazy.

I hope your 2016 started very well lovelies, let’s walk towards new fashion adventures!

My Outfit:

Jumper and Skirt: American Retro, Backpack: Skinnydip, Shoes: Underground,
Watch: Baby-G, Ring: Sara Gallo, Necklace: Tatty Devine, Glasses: Le Specs (sold out),
Earrings: Serena Kuhl, Kneesocks: Primark

kawaii look, Maude Studio, iridescent bag
Looking like a rainbow makes me feel like a rainbow!
mirrored sunglasses, vow london, glitter glasses
If somebody asks me about my favourite colour, I say “rainbow”.
Maude Studio, iridescent bag, Sara Gallo
Look how my iridescent bag plays with the sun.
rainbow look, flower crown, blogger style
Finally found the yellow skirt I was looking for ages. The colour is so bright; it’s almost neon.
Sara Gallo, heart ring, pink
Because we all want candy (and glitter)!
kawaii crop top, sushi top, tatty devine
Yummy! It’s sushi time!
kawaii look, rainbow flower crown, pink hair
Oh, the Japanese writing on my top says “cute”? How charming!
vow london, mirrored glasses, maude studio
I just love shopper bags, and this iridescent one from Maude Studio is the coolest.
Pearls & Swine, rainbow look, flower crown
How to look fabulous: Wear a flower crown and mirrored glasses!
kawaii look, blogger street style, quirky outfit
Rainbow power from head to toe, this is how I rule!
Tatty Devine, pink citrus slice, made in london
So in love with this pink citrus slice from Tatty Devine.
Melissa shoes, high heels and socks
Every cute look needs jelly shoes and cute socks.

My wardrobe must be the dream of every five-year-old girl: There are boxes full of fascinators, loads of flowers, pompoms and novelty handbags in fruity shapes. Not to forget a whole cupboard full of Barbie-like jelly high-heels.
Some not fashion-conscious people might think I buy my jewellery and cutie-things for a few quids in cheap stores, but they are completely wrong. What an insult! Learn now and forever: There are worlds between cheap crap and quirky perfection. Kitsch isn’t always just kitsch, and there is nothing more exciting than buying the right kind of it. It’s worth every penny to buy something that makes the heart beat faster.
Just because I can spend a lot when I’m excited doesn’t mean that I’m a lavish girl: I am reluctant to spend money on some things, even if they would make my life easier. For example, I’m still using an iPhone released almost in the stone ages. Couldn’t I get a new one instead of craving for another shiny Maude studio bag and an even bigger Pearls & Swine fascinator? Yes, I could, but where is the joy in buying a new phone?  I want to buy something I can stare at for hours because I love it so much.
A new phone doesn’t fulfill the criteria at all: Everybody has one, and they all look nearly the same. It might be faster than the one I have, but it will not come with abilities like an app to create rainbows on the walls of my rooms or an instant glitter-up-my-life function. A new bag has the power to make me squeak and jump into the air on the other hand. So it’s an easy decision how I’d prefer to spend my hard earned money!
I go for things that give me a piece of this -being-in-wonderland-feeling and takes me out of the everyday routine. I think this is what we are all craving for in the end.
How do you like this look lovelies and what do you think about spending money on quirky things?
My Outfit:

Crop Top: H&M, Skirt: Topshop, Bag: Maude Studio, Shoes: Melissa,
Socks: Topshop, Flower Crown: Pearls & Swine, Necklace: Tatty Devine,
Sunglasses: Vow London, Ring: Sara Gallo, Bangle: Serena Kuhl
Tatty Devine, Pearls & Swine, Carmen Miranda look
I find a lot of colours, but sometimes I don’t find words.
Tatty Devine, Sequin Party, Quirky fascinator
Looking like Carmen Miranda doesn’t make me able to sing unfortunately, so I stay mute.
Textile Federation, printed trousers, rainbow look
I always have something to say and never wear trousers. Today it’s the opposite way around.
Pearls & Swine, fascinator, rainbow
Maybe it’s the beauty of this Pearls & Swine creation that leaves me speechless.
Textile Federation, Serena Kuhl, printed pants
Vibrant colours speak for themselves!
Sequin Necklace, printed trousers, blogger look
Laughing away my writers block and dressing quirky.
tatty devine, sequin, necklace
If you have sequins, everything else is not important, agreed?
pearls and swine, barbie fascinator, quirky headwear
Cute detail of my fascinator with a Barbie arm and a darling little birdie.
Textile Federation, printed trousers, rainbow look
Maybe I should tell you a story from the land the hot-air balloons on my trousers come from?
Tatty Devine, sequin necklace, colourful perspex
Oh Tatty Devine, you just know what makes a girl feel like over the rainbow…
YRU, rainbow shoes, platform sandals
Rainbow feet may cause a sudden rush of inspiration, let’s try!
While I look like a Carmen Miranda version for beginners (or intermediate if the beholder is generous with me) I don’t have an idea what to write and stare at the screen. A colour bomb, but no explosion of words. Oh hello, writers block, I thought I’d never see you at my doorstep, but after three and a half years of blogging you finally found me. You even brought a gift: An inexistent idea of a topic to chat about, how lovely!

Is anyone interested in the musings of a fashion blogger or are you just here for pretty pictures? Does somebody even realise if I just use dummy text? Let’s make a test: If you read this, comment with “pink poodle”. Anybody? Please, please, please. You’ll be my ultimate hero if you tell me what topics you’d be interested to read about here.

Until then, I continue my search for the words I lost: Does it help to make a handstand? Maybe I better don’t try, shame on unathletic me… Half a day later: I cooked some homemade tortellini, tidied up my flat and repotted plants. Still no single word is written on my blank page, but at least my home benefits from this misery. Can it be so difficult to find a few words? No novel with a 1000 pages required so come on Sara!

The next day: Must have fallen asleep while trying to write something and finally I give up. May the words reappear till the next post. Enjoy the colourful look in the meanwhile and appreciate that I talked rather visually than linguistically.

My Outfit:

Top: H&M, Trousers: Textile Federation, Shoes: YRU, Fascinator: Pearls & Swine,
Necklace & Earrings: Tatty Devine, Bangle and Ring: Serene Kuhl
dinosaurs, fashion, trend 2015
Dinosaur Necklace: Anne-Sophie Cochevelou –  Sunglasses: Spangled  – T-Rex Necklace: Tatty Devine
Green Dino Dress: Lashes of London  – Rainbow Dino Crop Shirt and Skirt: Topshop
Fancy Dino Scarf: Moschino  – Green Reptile Heels: Moschino

Who said that the dinosaurs are extinct? They obviously must have lied: I don’t know if the dinos have been frozen in thick ice. Maybe they slept in hidden caves behind waterfalls, but now they return to fashion with a lot of reptile power. Maybe the mention of a new Jurassic Park movie this summer has already inspired the fashion designers.

Everybody loves dinos. Did you learn dozens and dozens of dino names and felt like a true explorer talking about them the whole time as a child? I did, and therefore it’s a sweet nostalgic feeling seeing this cool fashion featuring them. Let’s wear them, and the wait for Jurassic Park is going to be over soon.

No matter if T-Rex, Pteranodon or Stegosaurus: Dinos just rule!

Yay, my next London shopping trip is coming closer. This means meeting all my beloved friends, eating at my favourite restaurants and of course MASSIVE shopping. I am well prepared and already have a few things on my wish list:

Suki Waterhouse x Superga Pink Heart Platform Shoes: The perfect shoes for a city trip…
Tatty Devine Carousel Horse Necklace: No London trip without Tatty and this is so dreamy!
Topshop 3D Curve Mascara: I think Topshop has extraordinary Mascara, so time to rebuy!
Irregular Choice Flamingo Bag: My heart will just break if I don’t return with this…
Bleach London Rosé Shampoo: My secret to keep my pink hair colour for longer.
Tatty Devine Umbrella Earrings: Some say it’s always raining in London.
Topshop x Glow Trance Light Up Trainers: I always dreamed of flashing lights on my feet.
Lazy Oaf Fluffy Pink Bomber Jacket: Looks like made of candy floss and like a must-have!

What couldn’t you leave on the shelf from my wish list and what are your favourite shops or places in London?

vivetta, pink and red, lolita look
A pink kiss comes with a bang of red.
tatty devine, planet ring, hand candy
Intergalactic love story: Hand Candy like from outer space.
vivetta, heart shaped glasses, pink and red
Quirky Lolita: I’ll never be over heart shaped glasses, I swear!
vivetta, leather skirt, heart shaped glasses
I want it all: Blue for the boys, pink for the girls, both of them together for Sara!
becksöndergaard, eel leather bag, red clutch
Slippery Eel: Rediscovered this bag in my wardrobe, what a special material!
vivienne westwood, melissa, red shoes
Ruby shoes: What happens if I clap them three times, I wonder?

Dying my hair pink was the death of red lips for quite a long time. Today the phoenix rises from the ashes; red is back, and it comes with a bang! It’s something very special to combine these colours together: Nonetheless, they are very close on the colour wheel; their mix has a bad reputation. For AW14 many designers – such as House of Holland, Valentino or Dior – showed us otherwise and clashed pink and red.

The secret behind this combination is just to make it look bold, so everybody knows it’s a deliberate colour fusion and not an unfortunate accident! Today I include baby blue as well to unite both classical children’s room colours in one outfit. The skirt was an impulse purchase on my last short trip to London. I just had an hour left till I had to go to the airport, so you saw me running up and down the streets like a mad chicken.

Last week I went to see the fashion show of Vivetta, today I’m wearing a cardigan from their previous collection. I just adore the Italian label for its girliness, the touch of sweetness and their ability to create statement pieces. Seeing on red carpet pictures that shoe goddess Charlotte Olympia wears the same cardigan makes me even prouder of owning it. Next time, I’ll have her shoes as well…

What do you think about the combination of pink and red and how do you like this look?

My Outfit: 

Cardigan: Vivetta (bought at Dotti’s), Blouse: Vintage,
Skirt: Topshop (still available in other colours here); Bag: Becksöndergaard,
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood x Melissa, Tights: Topshop, Sunglasses: H&M,
Planet Ring: Tatty Devine, Heart Ring: Nina Bee,
Heart Necklace (worn as bracelet): Me & Zena
Friday Favouries, Wishlist, Shopping
Disney Princess Socks  –  Unicorn Socks  –  Baby Blue Coat
Rainbow Rose Miniskirt  –  Camera Instax Mini  –  Earrings with Printed Eyes
Pom Pom Headphones  –  Dr. Martens Boots  –  Furry Iphone Case  –  Fluffy Cat Jumper
Yay, it’s weekend, finally! I can’t tell you how much this makes me jump from joy. I just want to sing, dance in circles, drink Pimms and laugh about silly things while wearing my biggest fascinator and killer heels.
This week seemed never-ending and very hard: I left London again and still feel so heartbroken. I just love this city with all my heart and hate this exclusion from my personal paradise. As well I was buried under a sky-high pile of work at my daytime job, and there was no time left to prepare everything I intended to do for you. It stings and feels like disappointing you.
What helps more to brighten up a dark time like this than looking at beautiful things? I wish that my favorites of the week let your eyes shine, just as they did with mine. I already bought three of the things. Maybe you can guess which ones, you clever things?
Have a happy weekend lovelies and keep your eyes open for everything pretty.

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