summer outfit, cutout dress, Tatty Devine, cocktail umbrella necklace
Having fun outside and loving my cocktail umbrella accessories
summer outfit, cutout dress, Tatty Devine, cocktail umbrella necklace
Cheers to the lovely weather!
Tatty Devine, cocktail umbrella necklace, perspex jewellery, handmade
Close shot of my new beauty
Tatty Devine, statement necklace, cocktail umbrella necklace, cat eye sunglasses
Why isn’t there any ice in my cocktail?
summer outfit, cutout dress, Tatty Devine, cocktail umbrella necklace
Party among trees and plants
cat eye sunglasses, retro, red sunglasses, cat eye
Do dandelions bring luck?

When I was a child, the best thing about sitting in a bar was if one of the adults ordered a cocktail. I was crazy about the colorful and kitschy cocktail sticks they come with. My love for them didn’t die until now. They look so cheerful and make me think of holidays at the beach with picture book sunsets. There are neon pink flamingos, fancy paper fruits, little pirate ships and glitter palm trees. All of them exciting, but I always had a special favourite:

The cocktail umbrella. It is made of very thin paper and painted with a beautiful flower pattern. As a child I was astonished that this fragile looking think could be opened and closed just like a real umbrella. Once I’ve seen a picture of a girl with paper cocktail umbrellas in her hair as a party look. It was amazing but I wished the umbrellas would have been more durable.

Tatty Devine made this dream come true 2010: Their jewellery collection included a range of perspex cocktail umbrellas. They created amazing necklaces, beautiful rings, brooches and even cufflinks. I just bought a hair barrette at first, but I was in love with the whole range and always felt that I should have gone for a necklace as well.

A few days ago Tatty Devine hold their sample sale which is always very exciting. It’s not just about making bargains, but also about getting the hands on stuff from former, already sold out collections. That’s how I got my long desired cocktail umbrella necklace. I think you might be jealous now that I didn’t told you about this fabulous sale, but I promise to keep you informed about the next one!

What do you think about the cocktail umbrella juwellery?

My outfit:
Necklace and Hair Barrette: Tatty Devine. Dress: Topshop. Petticoat: Angel’s Sale London. Sunglasses: Accessorize. Bag: Vintage.


  1. Hahaha, oh mein Gott!!! Das mach ich jetzt noch…^^ Wenn wir in der Gruppe Cocktails trinken, bettle ich immer alle um die Schirmchen an und nehme sie nach Hause… 😀
    Die Kette ist ja einfach Hammer! Wow! Überhaupt kommt die Stimmung ganz super auf den Fotos rüber… 🙂 glg Charlene

  2. Over the last year I've managed to get my hands on some of the cocktail umbrella pieces too – the yellow barette, earrings and solo umbrella necklace. They're perfect for summer or just to brighten up a cloudy day!
    I always used to love the paper ones and would put them in my hair, so I'm so glad Tatty Devine made it possible!
    Love the triple umbrella necklace though Sara! xx

    • Wow, I'm sure they look amazing on you too! Would love to have the earrings too, seems like I'm very cocktail umbrella addicted 😀 It's just as you said: They are perfect to brighten up a day. Today it's raining outside. Very dark and ugly weather, but I am wearing my (not seen in the post) yellow cocktail umbrella brooch. To see that cheerful piece of jewellery really helps. Love, Sara xxx

  3. Hallo Sarah,
    ich freue mich, deinen Blog entdeckt zu haben. Einen so niedlichen, individuellen Blog findet man nämlich nicht alle Tage. Ich bin gespannt in Zukunft mehr von dir zu lesen und viele bunte Outfits zu sehen! 🙂
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Dein Kommentar war sowas von süß,danke.

    Dein Kleid ist der hammer,mit den Schirmen.Sowas sieht man auch nicht alle Tage 🙂
    Mit dir macht es bestimmt Spaß was zu unternehmen 😉

  5. Dein Blog ist toll. Ich liebe deinen Style!!
    Das Kleid, deine Haare, deine Kette, die Sonnenbrille und die Tasche ♥
    lg Teresa –

  6. Sooooo schöner blog,
    ich folge dir jetzt & lese regeläßig.
    Ich mg die ganze Aufmachung deines blogs, man sieht, dass viel Herzblut & Mühe drin steckt.
    Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du auch mal bei mir vorbei schauen magst & vielleicht gefällt dir ja was du siehst : )
    GLG Michelle

  7. Your dress is darling, I love it!! You look so gorgeous in the sunshine…I love the umbrellas in drinks and the necklace made was's stunning and you wear it well!! Thank you for the sweet comment, I have to agree, I wish it would remain un-touched and live on like that forever in her memory really. It is quite like Sleeping Beauty. Am really happy you enjoyed the post, wish you a wonderful weekend!! xx

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