Atsuko Kudo, Tatty Devine, Lazy Oaf, Topthop
1) Heart Dress: Lazy Oaf  2) Perspex Bow Headband: Tatty Devine
3) Eyelash Sunglasses: Tatty Devine 4) Rubber Kitty Collar: Atsuko Kudo
5) Red Flower Swimsuit: River Island 6) Wedge Creeper Shoes: Underground 7) Cut-Out Dress: Topshop
Tatty Devine, Lazy Oaf, Topshop, Dolly Dagger, Cath Kidston
1) Parakeet Necklace: Tatty Devine 2) Jubilee Mug: Cath Kidston 3) Heart Dress: Topshop
 4) Love Hearts Shirt: Topshop 5) Minnie Mouse Backpack: Lazy Oaf 6) Stripe Taffeta Dress: Dolly Dagger

I’m very excited about my next trip to lovely London next week. Of course a lot of shopping will be included. London is the shopping heaven on earth for sure! Because I’m still rather homesick since I don’t live there anymore, I always give in to the temptation to buy as much as possible while on my trips. It feels like taking a part of home with me for having something to cheer me up while I’m longing for London from far, far away. I can’t take my favourite pub with me or the Buckingham palace, so tons of clothes and bits and bobs have to suffice. 😉

I could easily spend weeks with just shopping in this city. There are so many things around exactly fitting to my taste, whereas in Switzerland I miss a certain kind of excitement. As you all know, I’m a big fan of vintage clothing and it’s always unpredictable what you’ll find in this kind of stores. Nonetheless, there are also non-vintage shops which I do like. Here I’ll present you a little wish list of London’s shopping treasures I’ve already discovered on the web. I’m very eager to see them in real and I wonder which of this lovelies will follow me to Switzerland…

What do you think about this things? Do you know any especially cool shops in London?


  1. Oh my stylish goodness, that bright, gorgeous red rose swimsuit is too marvelous for words. Tempting indeed, very tempting! 🙂

    Thank you very much for your wonderfully sweet comment on my vintage rainbow dress outfit, dear gal, I really appreciate it and hope you have a fantastic weekend!

    ♥ Jessica

  2. I love the fact that you actually wrote a wishlist! I never even thought about this!

    I hope you'll find lots of treasures in London and enjoy the time there. I'm already excited to hear what you bought!

    xoxo & ♥

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