Collectif, coat, winter, retro
A white wonderland with just a tiny hint of purple.
flower crown, winter, 50s, Collectif
A cosy collar is a good weapon against the cold.
flower crown, selfmade, purple, Collectif
Trying to fill the world with flowers: Purple roses on the crown and preserved flowers in the buttons.
diy, flower crown, purple, silk flowers
Brave little flowers, mocking the ice cold air.
frills, cross belt, coat with fur, lace
What’s hidden beneath the coat: Lace, frills and crosses.
fake fur, retro, coat, armcuffs
Gently flattered by fake fur sleeves. No animal was hurt and the game is still in the forest.
creepers, golden socks, wedges, London
Snow, you can’t stop the mighty creepers!

Why do the naked trees always seem to be sad? Why can’t I stop missing the sound of the birds and the scent of the flowers? I am here, trying to bring a hint of purple and a couple of blossoms into this white winter world. For this mission, I made myself a big bold flower crown. It already had a few appearances on my head while I was in London. Many daring people asked me to try it on, even some male ones and complete strangers. I never got so many compliments for any other accessory before. If you have ever worn a crown like this, you will understand: Wearing it makes you feel different immediately. You become something between a saint and a queen. You can imagine being Virgin Mary, Frida Kahlo or Cicciolina, whoever inspires you most.

My new coat from Collectif enhances that feeling of elegance, my crown gives me. With its cosy fake fur collar I don’t even need a scarf. The buttons with the dried flowers inside, are somehow melancholic and romantic at the same time. They are like a little souvenir from past summer to me.

Before you ask if I don’t get frozen legs, I tell you a little secret: I do layer tights and wear up to three pairs of them on top of each other. Together with the socks, my legs are as comfortable as possible. But even dressed like this, I prefer to hurry inside as soon as possible. If I would be a product and come with a tag, on mine would be written “not for outdoor use” for sure. I always try to get excited about outdoor activities, but to be honest it’s more force than joy most of the time. I could sit forever on the sofa with a mug of hot tea, reading a gripping book on the other hand. Being outside is never the goal for me, but just a necessity on my way from A to B and for that I don’t need to dress up as a Yeti. I’ll be back in a cosy house before my flower crown is covered with snow anyway and I’m sure my brave little flowers appreciate this.

How do you like my flower crown and my new coat?

My Outfit: 
Coat: Collectif, Flower Crown: DIY (thanks to Fashion Hayley for inspiration), 
Shoes: from Camden, Socks: HMRing: HM, Lace Bodysuit: From my mum’s wardrobe,
Top: Strawberry Kats (not recent), Belt: Urban Outfitters
Lipstick: Airborne Unicorn by Limecrime


  1. Wunderschön liebe Sara! Der Mantel hat einen super Schnitt und das violett sieht toll aus zum Schnee.
    Schöne Fotos! Leider ist er bereits wieder geschmolzen gäll 🙁 Hoffe es kommt nochmal vor Weihnachten. Hab einen schönen Sonntag!
    Liebste Grüsse Kira ******

  2. Wie ich zu Blumenkränzen stehe weißt du ja 🙂
    Der Mantel ist sehr hübsch und die Knöpfe sind toll!

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh at last an outfit post, my dear Sara. it was so worth waiting for just to see you in the snow and purple flowers, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    You are a sweet inspiring angel.

  4. Adorable outfit! I love the pop of colour you bring into the rather grey weather. I'm no great fan of flower crowns, but this particular one is just perfect on you! It looks so great in your blonde hair. By the way – first time I've ever been thinking about that – you're not naturally (that) blonde, are you?

  5. Just stunning…love the purple flowers…you look gorgeous!! I layer my tights like that too 😉 I will be happy to see real flowers and sunshine again soon, but your outfit makes me smile…have a wonderful week xox

  6. toller blog 🙂 lust auf eine blogvorstellung? oder ein adventsgeschenk? kannst dich ja mal bewerben und vorbeischauen!
    viel glück 🙂

  7. Tolles Outfit. 🙂
    Die Blumen sind wunderschön &
    ich liebe den Mantel. 😉
    Liebe Grüße

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