Collectif, retro, vintage, dress, Atsuko Kudo
I wanna be a rubberband girl.
Atsuko Kudo, latex, fashion, Collectif
I wanna learn to twang like a rubbberband.
collectif, atsuko kudo, vintage, flora
Rubber gloves might increase the effect as well.
bow, choker, atsuko kudo, rubber, latex
Does dressing in rubber help? I try with my bow chocker.
gloves, rubber, latex, atsuko kudo
And I might be able to bounce back like a rubberband.
wedge, creepers, london, socks, frills
Otherwise I come running to you.

Everything I wear today (except the earrings) is bought from or in the UK. I just miss London so much at the moment and would love to go there right now if i could. I named this post after a song from Kate Bush, my favourite singer and one of the biggest British icons. This eccentric lady is just unlike any other pop star and that makes her perfect in my eyes. I couldn’t get her song “Rubberband Girl” out of my head, while having on my latex accessories. I am so delighted and need to tell you more about what I am wearing:

For ages I was dreaming of owning a little piece of Atsuko Kudo. I love the work of the UK based fashion designer from Japan. She calls her work “Couture Latex Design” and creates the most amazing rubber clothes and accessories. People who still believe, latex is something to be found only in erotic shops, are proven wrong. Among the clients of Atsuko Kudo are stars like Lady Gaga, Dita von Teese or Katy Perry. Finally it is my turn to present a little Atsuko Kudo treasure. I can’t call myself the proud owner of a custom made dress, but look at my gloves and this adorable bow choker! I love how shiny and smooth the material is. I must say the gloves are no piece for everyday wear, because it is not so easy to get in and out of them and impossible without the help of a lube. The bow chocker on the other hand is definitely a piece which will be seen on many of my future looks. I am already lusting after going back to Atsuko Kudo’s store and treat myself with more goodies. They have the most beautiful collars you have ever seen and their headwear is causing envy.

I went for a beautiful dress from Collectif to combine my accessories with. I saw this dress in their shop and knew without trying that I need it. The colour is wonderful and I love the elegant look of it. If you have a few dresses like this in your wardrobe, it is very easy to dress. A dress like this doesn’t need a lot to go with it, it looks just so elegant on its own. I continue to listen to more Kate Bush now and hope you like this outfit.

Did you ever wear latex and do you love Atsuko Kudo too?

My Outfit: 
Dress: Collectif, Rubber Bow Choker: Atsuko Kudo, Rubber Gloves: Atsuko Kudo, Shoes: Bought in Camden, Socks: Topshop, Earrings: Deb’s Eclectic Vintage at Etsy


  1. I've never worn latex before but it looks AMAZING in this outfit. You've made it look so easy to wear ^^

  2. Ein tolles Outfit – zugegebenermaßen liebäugle ich auch schon eine Weile mit dem Kleid. Was mir aber als erstes aufgefallen ist: Du hast eine wirklich fantastische Figur – da ist ja wirklich alles am rechten Fleck. Granate! 🙂

  3. Adore this dress my petal!! And the rubber gloves give it a very different look. I have never had rubber gloves like this before, but I like the idea :)) You look radiant!! Thank you so so very much for the very heart warming words, I really appreciate it!! I am feeling good, still not well fully, but getting better. We're all grateful we knew our friend and know she is resting now..though we'll miss her! I hope you are well my sweetheart!?! The weather here has seemed to have gotten colder again, so I shall keep wrapped up and inside for a little while longer to make sure I get better. Take good care. I send you all love & hugs!! <3 Xxxxxxxxx

  4. mal wieder ein klasse outfit. die handschuhe und die schleife habens mir angetan.
    bei der sache mit dem pharao… ngyaaa ist schon cool wenn man angebetet wird aber dann irgendwann getötet zu werden und so ne schlange im nacken zu haben hat mir dann doch die idee rausgetrieben xD aber so n stargate wäre nicht schlecht^^

  5. Wow, das Kleid ist echt süß! Ich liebe die Farbe (Petrol ist generell eine meiner Lieblingsfarben) und sie steht die sehr gut, passt ausgezeichnet zu Deinem Teint! 😉 Und die Leo-Print-Aufsätze sind super! Absolut schick.
    Allerdings finde ich es etwas zu lang, kürzer wäre es flotter und würde besser passen (sowohl zu dem feschen Look, für den er wohl ursprünglich gedacht war als auch zu Deinen tollen Beinen, mit denen Du sicher einige Blicke auf dich ziehst, wenn Du unterwegs bist. ;))

    Viele Grüße

  6. Ich liebe diesen Vintage look, er sieht einfach so Klasse aus , gott sei dank ist das wieder im kommen ! Ich habe letztens so ein ähnliches in einer Flider Farbe gekauft…. TRAUM 🙂 Jetz muss nur noch der Frühling kommen, mit Schnee kann ich sowas doch nich tragen ! ;-(

  7. Very cool gloves and choker. They look more elegant than "fetish" the way you have styled them.

  8. For fear of sounding like a dodgy 'Rubber loving' bloke I was thrilled that designers like you are taking wearable ' snippets ' of this ' fab ' material to the high street,It can only help to kill the crazy pre-justice that rubber carries some kind of 'Sexual deviant label. Great blog x.

  9. For fear of sounding like a dodgy 'Rubber loving' bloke I was thrilled that designers like you are taking wearable ' snippets ' of this ' fab ' material to the high street,It can only help to kill the crazy pre-justice that rubber carries some kind of 'Sexual deviant label. Great blog x.

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