pinafore, 50s, retro, fashion
Hello stunning flower tree, you are a true beauty!
melissa, pinafore, 50s, retro
May I take a picture with you? Oh see: Kitty wants to be with us too.
ring, cat, cute, jewellery
Your flower petals are so delicate and tender.
pink, pinafore, vintage, retro
Both of us dressed in pink, aren’t we a cute couple?
outfit, spring, pink, flowers
I love to be in this world full of pretty flowers.
bow tie, polka dots, pinafore, vintage
Dressed as a 50s woman with my pinafore skirt.
cat, ring, gold, cute
Kitty wraps herself around my finger.
tree, flowers, pink, spring
We can enjoy the afternoon in this pink garden.

Wow look at all the pink trees outside, isn’t it breathtaking? Pink has always been one of my favourite colours. There was a time, back at School of Arts, long, long time ago, when I dressed in no other colour. I am not that singleminded anymore, but pink occupies still a big space in my heart. My heart started to beat faster when I saw the flower trees outside and I just had to be the pink girl under the pink tree. My outfit is a lot of vintage inspired, I feel like a modest 50s housewife from an advertisement. This image of a woman fascinates me, always pretty, with a bright smile and perfect nails and makeup.

My skirt is indeed made from an original vintage pattern. After discovering this skirt, I couldn’t get it out of my head again. The shape is just perfect and I love the silhouette it makes. I bought it at The Black Pinafore, it’s the Etsy Store from Debora, a lovely dress maker from Italy. She is a diploma costume designer and loves the 40s and 50s. I could just send her my measurements and she made this wonderful skirt for me. I was able to choose the fabric, buttons and length of the skirt. When it arrived I was very pleased, because it fits perfectly and looks even more beautiful than I expected. I just had to wear it, go outside with it as fast as possible and show it to you surrounded by this dreamy location. I am always surprised again and again, how close from the city beautiful places like this exist. It looks like I am in an enchanted garden at the countryside, but it’s just a few steps away from the big apartment blocks of the city. Even a cat wanted to be part of my pictures and she was very stubborn in staying exactly under the same tree I wanted to take my pictures. But I think she just made the pictures perfect.

I hope you enjoy spring as much as I do my lovelies. What do you think about this outfit?

My Outfit: 

Top: Vintage, Bow Tie: H&M, Skirt: The Black Pinafore at Etsy, Headband: H&M,
Shoes: Melissa (not recent), Ring: Ebay


  1. How cheerful and lovely outfit! One of my favourites definitely, that pinafore skirt is so cute 🙂 AWESOME!!
    Happy spring darling Sara!

  2. Lovely outfit!!! I love everything- the photo setting is beautiful but my favourite bit is the ring, meow!

  3. You look absolutely wonderful, love the colours and design. It looks perfect on you :)))) And I love these flowers on the trees, they are my favourites :)) I look forward to them every spring time :))) I hope you have a marvellous weekend my dear girl! Love <3 xxx

  4. Das Outfit gefällt mir wirklich gut!
    Du siehst total hübsch darin aus 🙂
    Und wie süß ist der Ring denn bitte ?!

    Liebste Grüße,

  5. Das Outfit ist ja absolut Zucker! Ich liebe den 50's Style, auch wenn ich ihn selbst nicht so (konsequent) zu tragen vermag und ihn bei manchem Outfit lediglich nur "zitiere".
    Zum Ring: Ich glaube, den habe ich mir auch bestellt – nur in einer anderen Farbe. Wenn ich ihn so an Dir sehe, freue ich mich nochmal mehr auf das schöne Katzenteilchen 🙂 .

  6. Im Stil Deiner Fotos stelle ich mir immer Alice im Wunderland vor 🙂 Auch Dein Make up ist fabelhaft! Was für eine Wimperntusche und Lippenstift Du benutzt hast, musst Du mir unbedingt verraten 😉 <3

  7. your outfit is so pretty, I love the pinafore. It suits you so much, you definitely suit the Vintage/retro look 🙂

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