“How are you?” people ask and there is just one answer they expect: “Oh I am fine, thank you.” Long before the invention of scripted-reality shows, this question was never really a question, but always just a script. Often answered with a forced smile to make the lie more believable.

From all the questions out there it’s the one I despise the most, because what is the purpose of a question if the answer is already given? And being an honest person, I really have difficulties saying I am fine when the opposite is the truth. I often wish I could just skip this question because I feel torn between the expectation of telling a lie and the fear of making somebody feel uncomfortable with being real. Please stop asking me if you don’t want to know anyway.

If I ask you about your condition, I really mean it. I don’t step back if you tell me that you are lonely, that somebody close to you is ill or that you feel overwhelmed in your job or by the expectations of others. Not even if we don’t know each other very well. We’re all facing so many challenges and many of us feel overburdened by their family, health and work. Let’s be more honest and tear down the barriers! Doing so is the first step of getting closer and accepting that we are all human beings.

Honesty encourages us to get real answers back and is the ground for more quality talks. It’s ok to leave fake smiles and brainless scrips behind and most important: Let’s start to accept that nobody is ok all the time and there is no reason to hide it at all!

My Outfit
Shirt: Ana Ljubinkobic, Skirt: Vintage, Hat & Fan: Tauta,
Bag: Maison Héritage, Shoes: Mel by Melissa (not recent), Bangle: Love at the Bus Stop,
Sunglasses: Saint Laurent, Belt: Vintage

Pictures: Marco Borromeo
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