“Don’t be yourself, but all the reflections you see in the mirror!” said one of the dwarves. Snowwhite fell asleep in a bed of ice, thinking about it.

This is my second photoshoot as a model in the snow, and this time, I was so brave and even lied down in my transparent dress. There is a weird thing about me: I can’t stand cold weather and complain a lot, but as soon as there is a camera, I blend out everything, and I’m focused and absolutely living in the moment. Only for the picture.

The snow became just the perfect background and lost its cool touch. I forgot about the wind in my face and became an eerie and melancholic version of Snowwhite. I am really grateful to work with new photographers recently and be more experimental. It feels like seeing myself in a new light again and again. For this shoot, I worked with young Portuguese talent Tiago, who captures people and fashion differently.

The pictures look like a dream that is just about to fade away, already a little bit blurry at the edges, yet still lingering in the air. A dream where Kate Bush just wrote a new enchanting song and the wind chants “Mirror, mirror” in the background in an endless loop.

Mirror, mirror, who is the fairest of them all? Mirror, mirror, do you see me but do you see what you do too? And somewhen the dream is over, the magic captured with the click of the camera. I feel the cold on my face again, wake up from my dream and wonder where my fairy tale is waiting for me.

My Outfit
Dress: Maroni Vintage, Fascinator: Pearls & Swine

Pictures: Tiago Aguiart

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