Can I imagine being a housewife? Keeping home pretty, bringing the kids to school and secretly drinking booze while asking myself if this is all life has to offer? In another galaxy!

These pictures are a quick journey to that galaxy. Since it is far away, things are a little bit different there. But the life of housewives is not less desperate and material for dramatic movies.

The thrilling story of how those pictures came to life: Once upon a time on a Sunday, I was determined to do nothing but stay in bed, watch series and order food. But like in every fairy tale, unexpected things happened. I remembered that Taina, a Swiss street art artist that I truly admire for her work that is full of colour and cuteness, has an exhibition that was only on that Sunday. So what is a girl supposed to do? I got dressed, brushed my hair and told my bed I would be back in two hours.

My bed doesn’t talk to me anymore, it says I’m a liar. I didn’t return after two hours. The exhibition happened to be a completely sprayed flat in a house that was about to be ruined the next day. Taina created the floor, two other female street art artists Eulen Heulen and Elf Kunst, did some magic in the kitchen and living room.

I stood in this pink dreamy flat, wishing I was a witch capable of conjuring a photographer. I tried to blink like Barbara Eden and oh my… I must be a witch because out of nowhere Natalia Zainal appeared. We didn’t know each other, but I got told she was a photographer.

There we had a photographer without a camera, a model with an empty stomach and a once in a lifetime opportunity that would be gone the next day. It took us a few seconds to come up with a plan: Get a camera, fill that stomach and wait till the visitors were gone. We built up lamps and started to create our parallel desperate housewife galaxy.

It was very dark outside when I finally came home, but I felt happier than I could ever have if I would have stayed home and relaxed. And I learned something about myself: In this universe, I am for sure no housewife (and just part-time desperate), I still don’t think I am a witch but my belief that wishes sometimes come true very very fast got much stronger.

I’m off perfecting my Barbara Eden moves.

My outfit

Top: House of Holland (old), Skirt: Nixi Killick, Belt: Essentiel Antwerp,
Shoes: Zara (old), Earrings: Tukadu, Bag: Maria Escoté for Desigual

Pictures: Me is Niza – Natalia Zainal
Art: Taina, Elf Kunst, Eulen Heulen

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