The clock at the diner said quarter past six. But the reality was different in a world where clocks ran out of battery and had so little importance that nobody even noticed their missing ticking. The ghost next to her held her hand and asked what she wanted.

What question was that? she thought. She wanted everything and nothing and both of them at once. She was starving, and her stomach hurt from too much cake wolfed down after midnight. She wanted to feel the wind in her hair, breathe independence, and stay safe forever in her eggshell.

The coffee went cold while she was daydreaming, looking at an imaginary starry sky filled with the lights of the passing cars. The ghost said it was time to leave. But where to? To the home she never had or the one she ran away from? To the past she was running from or the future she feared?

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was the memory of lemon cake lingering in the air. She saw herself when she looked inside her body and found calm. Not everything, not nothing, but an anchor that kept her in the presence. Maybe this was life.

Clothing & Hat: Vintage, Shoes: Melissa,
Sunglasses: Saint Laurent, Photographer: Roland Urech
Location: Cindy’s Diner

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