


Are we driven by money, fame, the search for beauty or love? I say those are all passengers, while the driver is the Why. Constantly we seek to know the Why in everything we do. 

Studies say that 4-year olds ask about 200 to 300 questions a day, a lot of them starting with Why. Even if we lose this excessiveness of questioning while growing up, we still need the Why. It is the purpose, the drive and the changemaker of everything for us meaning-seeking creatures. Are you lifting a finger without a Why behind? No way! 

Why is the bus late? Why is the sky dark at night? Why did you break my heart? Why am I who I am? Almost everything that happens in our life and thoughts comes with a pile of Whys. Whole books could be filled with questions starting with a Why. The Why is about exploring and discovering the meaning and purpose of things, and asking Why is a sign of curiosity, a symbol of not just taking things for granted. The wish to come to the ground of a deeper understanding.

The answers to those Whys determine our reactions and emotions, making the Why even more meaningful. Let me give you simple examples: A late bus might stir feelings of annoyance, but knowing that there was a terrible accident changes the emotions to consternation instantly. A cheating lover revealed he was at the hospital unconscious causes a different reaction than one who answers that he just felt attracted to somebody else. So the world often changes its turn just a tad when somebody’s lips spell a tiny little W-H-Y.

Acceptance is probably closer connected to understanding the Why than to Likeability. What we know we can easier accept, the Why brings the context. It reveals the considered angles that were the base for a decision. So open your lips and wisper Why, whenever you don’t understand, want to know more or feel tingling curiosity creeping up your spine.

Pictures: Marco Borromeo

Dear Future Self, I imagine you are living a high-tech life reading this, but listen: I have a few things to tell you, so be all ears!

I bet if you look at my pictures, wishing you had my youth, my energy and you start to think how glorious the times with me were. True, but please don’t forget how challenging it was too. Don’t fall into the trap and glorify the past. The most important is always the now, absorb it and dive into it! It was my responsibility to live the past and I did to the last second. So no regrets, I took care of partying, of hugging everybody you love, wearing all the glitter, staying up long and spending all your money (oops). Focus on the good news: I took a lot of pictures to make it easier for you to remember everything.

Future Self, I hope you thank me for carrying you through so much. Whatever you have and wherever you are: It’s because of me. Because of the decisions I made, the opportunities I saw, and the visions I had. I hope you are happy and that all my tears and all my sweat were helpful to bring you to a good place. You matter to me and I’ll never give up on you. Your body and soul carries the marks and wounds of my mistakes and victories as well as the wrinkles caused by worrying and a lot of smiling.

Please be proud of the signs of time and don’t forget that I fought hard and pushed myself a lot to become you. I don’t know you yet, but I want you to be fabulous. You owe me that. Despite a lot of sad things and challenging situations, I managed to stay colourful and inspiring, I had the goal in my mind that you could forget about the pain and keep the glitter. Enjoy it, please!

I don’t feel like I need to give you a lot of advice, since you carry everything I know within you. If you are like me you care about people you love, eat healthily and exercise. I can’t imagine you gave up my discipline, my will to shine and my stubbornness to be bent, because those things lie at the roots of who we are.

Just one more thing for now: I would like you to remember where we come from. Not to go back there, but to see how far we came. Be proud and know that your journey was long and unique. And oh my: I wish you could show me the fancy technology you have over there…

My outfit:
Trousers & Vest: Coster Copenhagen via custommade.ch, Top: Heroine Sport via Sportles, Sunglasses: Balenciaga, Shoes: YRU, Bracelet: Absynt

Pictures: Marcel Steiner

This is a fictional photostory for the magazine French Dispatch (or something like that). I love the worlds of Mister Anderson’s movies, so I feel inspired to look for my perfect color scheme with pink and pastels.

Since I was a kid, I craved to live in a world that was more colourful, more beautiful, that had a certain twist. My surrounding seemed to lack something so I kept looking for what was missing. Then I started to create what I saw in my imagination and to link with things and people who have a similar vision. Like I guess Wes Anderson does when he creates his unique worlds with his movies.

I learn from Wes Anderson how to don’t get caught by the shadow, but be the light

Is the world boring? Is it exciting? Is it wonderful or cruel? I think it’s all at the same and I am determined to look where it is the most colourful whenever I can. There are enough moments I don’t succeed in this even if I try hard, but I am determined to find the beautiful angles, corners, and views again and again. There is no light without shadow and it’s a daily challenge to don’t get caught by the shadow and be light instead.

So I wander the world in my search for the perfect dreamy colour palette, beautiful symmetry, a hint of nostalgia, the right dose of quirk, and always a lot of vibrance. And I come to life when I feel that the particular hue I had in mind finally surrounds me and hugs me like a dear friend.

My outfit:
Jumpsuit: Alice McCall, Shirt: Zara, Bag: Skinnydip, Hat: CeliaB, Sunglasses: Marc Jacobs,
Shoes: Sophia Webster, Tights: Fogal

Pictures: Photorhead

Romance seems to be something that existed in a different life or universe, I almost can’t remember how it feels. I have the wardrobe to attend a million candle night dinners and certainly the kind of heart that beats faster when there is something beautiful in the air. But it seems that the air has just become air and nothing more.

But what happened to romance? Why do dates nowadays start with let’s meet at your or my home or an informal let’s grab a coffee between three other appointments wearing sweaty office clothes? When has sending flowers become only an emoji and since when do we hook up instead of falling in love? Staying on the surface must have replaced diving deep into feelings. When have we become so afraid?

Romance used to be found in the little things: A gesture, a blink of an eye, little surprises. Songs still tell about those moments, but reality speaks a different language. It seems that love became like fast food: Something that lasts only for one night. But this is not love at all, how could things get so mixed up?

Romance must have had a terrible fate and been replaced by lust. This makes me sad, because it is so much more, something magical. Something truly desirable. A connection on a deeper level and a strong emotional bond. Do people not miss it and are they truly happy with this modern world that creates loneliness and has a non-binding nature?

A lot of people live and love like they have no time. Feelings became something instantly. It often seems that people do not even bother to make full sentences anymore, not even speaking of writing a full text or even a letter. Where have the poets gone? Where is the happily ever after?

Oh Romance, I miss you. I’m waiting here, wearing my roses.
Please come back, I feel like kissing in the rain and singing in the night. Thank you.

My outfit:
Top: Amorphose, Skirt: Vintage, Gloves: Aelita, Shoes: Manoush, Sunglasses: Anna Karin Karlsson,
Earrings: Tukadu, Fascinator: Pearls & Swine

Pictures: Sarah M.J. Photography

What is a butterfly, if not a tiny and beautiful yet incredible delicate creature? It’s easy to crush a butterfly but very hard not to be dazzled by its beauty. I often feel like a butterfly, spreading glitter and being aware of my own vulnerability.

I want to sing the Die Antwoord song about the butterfly, asking for protection that I never had in my life. But then I think about the butterfly effect and how the most diminutive creature can influence significant events, get up, spread my wings again and fly.

A kid recently asked me if butterflies are angels. This question pops up in my mind and brings a smile to my face. I don’t know, child, maybe yes, maybe not, or perhaps strange angels. How shall I know when I am still busy to find out how far and how high I can fly?

Don’t look at me like I know less than you do! I don’t believe that you know those things about yourself because it’s impossible you’ve been the furthest you can go, seen the highest your eyes will spot. And even if: How can you know, not being a fortune-teller who visits every day ahead… So I spread my wings and went again. Hoping that luck will see me too, levitating over a park or dancing with the statues hidden between the trees and shrubberies.

Thank you, Photorhead and Greta Schoop, for making this shoot come true, inspired by the Egyptian goddess Isis and David LaChapelle. It was a magical day full of glitter and without feeling vulnerable in the wrong way. I guess the visitors of the beautiful park were a little bit irritated about me and my wings, but this is what we do to bring a piece of our dream world to reality!

My outfit
Jewellery: Evelyne-M, Shoes: YRU

Pictures: Photorhead
Styling: Greta Schoop & Me

Frida Kahlo has landed in Zurich with a fabulous immersive experience at the new MAAG Light Hall. This world premiere brings the powerful work of the Mexican artist to Switzerland, presented using high-performance video projection and light acoustic effects.

Since I was a teenager I was fascinated by Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) and her surrealistic art. For me, Frida is an immense source of inspiration with her self-portraits and as well a symbol of resilience. Her life was not easy, being in constant pain after a terrible bus accident when she was 18 and giving her heart to a man which whom she had a very turbulent relationship didn’t make it any easier.

But despite all the pain, grief and sadness she experienced, she didn’t stop to create and paint, the opposite: She made suffering an art. Very often Frida even painted in bed and her work became a kind of medicine. The total of her paintings is 144 and 55 of them are self-portraits.

During her lifetime she was in the shadow of her artist husband Diego Riviera, although Frida claimed in her diary that she never could have endured her painful existence without his love, he was in a certain sense the second tragic accident in her life. He had numerous affairs, even one with Frida’s sister and the Stern magazine describes their marriage as an “unholy symbiosis between an elephant and a dove”. Besides art, they also shared a passion for communism and an unhealthy lifestyle with alcohol and drug abuse.

It wasn’t until one year before her death, that Frida had her first and only solo exhibition. However, by the time it happened she was already so sick that she had to be carried in her bed to the opening. Frida became only after her death the most well known Latin American painter and an icon of the feminist movement. The Hollywood movie about Frida’s life starring Salma Hayek in the main role in 2002 gave Frida’s popularity another boost.

I couldn’t have been happier when I heard that The MAAG Light Hall would be showing Frida Kahlo’s work as an immersive experience. This venue is Switzerland’s first permanent museum to show only immersive exhibitions. Frida is the first artist they show and I was not disappointed at all. The opening was a blast with Mariachi music, drinks but mostly: A journey into the exotic world of my beloved Frida full of colours and strong symbolism. I can truly recommend this exhibition and I am curious myself which other outstanding artists will be shown at the MAAG Light Hall in the future.

The exhibition is on from now till 2.1.2022 at MAAG Light Hall in Zurich.
Find out more here and book your tickets: vivafridakahlo.ch

My outfit
Skirt: Kitty Joseph, Top: Simone Rocha x HM, Necklace: Tatty Devine, Headpiece: Pearls & Swine
Earrings: Cakes & Troubles

Pictures: Fabiana Nunes
Accompanied by my dear friends Greta Schoop & Sarah from Artemperature

Can I imagine being a housewife? Keeping home pretty, bringing the kids to school and secretly drinking booze while asking myself if this is all life has to offer? In another galaxy!

These pictures are a quick journey to that galaxy. Since it is far away, things are a little bit different there. But the life of housewives is not less desperate and material for dramatic movies.

The thrilling story of how those pictures came to life: Once upon a time on a Sunday, I was determined to do nothing but stay in bed, watch series and order food. But like in every fairy tale, unexpected things happened. I remembered that Taina, a Swiss street art artist that I truly admire for her work that is full of colour and cuteness, has an exhibition that was only on that Sunday. So what is a girl supposed to do? I got dressed, brushed my hair and told my bed I would be back in two hours.

My bed doesn’t talk to me anymore, it says I’m a liar. I didn’t return after two hours. The exhibition happened to be a completely sprayed flat in a house that was about to be ruined the next day. Taina created the floor, two other female street art artists Eulen Heulen and Elf Kunst, did some magic in the kitchen and living room.

I stood in this pink dreamy flat, wishing I was a witch capable of conjuring a photographer. I tried to blink like Barbara Eden and oh my… I must be a witch because out of nowhere Natalia Zainal appeared. We didn’t know each other, but I got told she was a photographer.

There we had a photographer without a camera, a model with an empty stomach and a once in a lifetime opportunity that would be gone the next day. It took us a few seconds to come up with a plan: Get a camera, fill that stomach and wait till the visitors were gone. We built up lamps and started to create our parallel desperate housewife galaxy.

It was very dark outside when I finally came home, but I felt happier than I could ever have if I would have stayed home and relaxed. And I learned something about myself: In this universe, I am for sure no housewife (and just part-time desperate), I still don’t think I am a witch but my belief that wishes sometimes come true very very fast got much stronger.

I’m off perfecting my Barbara Eden moves.

My outfit

Top: House of Holland (old), Skirt: Nixi Killick, Belt: Essentiel Antwerp,
Shoes: Zara (old), Earrings: Tukadu, Bag: Maria Escoté for Desigual

Pictures: Me is Niza – Natalia Zainal
Art: Taina, Elf Kunst, Eulen Heulen

This one is dedicated to Cleopatra, queen of the Nile. One of the most famous women in history, known for her love affairs, beauty, and power. As long as I can think, her name has inspired me, but why actually?

People often refer to me as the pink Cleopatra, because of my hairstyle. This makes me happy because even if people don’t know about my connection to Egypt, they seem to feel it just from my look and of course it’s very flattering to be named in the same sentence as history’s prototype of the romantic femme fatale. Oh, I imagine how it must have felt to be in a room with this woman, to feel her aura of power and be blinded by her jewellery sparkling in the sun.

Cleopatra had love affairs with two of the most powerful men of her time. But there was a lot of tragedy in her life until she killed herself at the age of 39. To secure her throne, she had to kill a few of her family members. She waged war on Rome and ultimately lost it. Her life must have felt like a rollercoaster, up and down, a true rock-star life, with higher risks at stake than most of us, can imagine. Born into a powerful and wealthy family, a luxury lover, a beauty addict, and a capable ruler and educated woman, this girl rocked. Unlike in many other kingdoms at that time, in Egypt, the women had rights and with Cleopatra an icon to look up to.

In two years, I’ll be as old as her when she died, this star that shone bright and then disappeared. She must have known how to create an aura of magic around herself. I wish I could learn a thing or two from this outstanding woman and the last pharaoh that ruled Egypt. She may be long gone, but her name is still everything but covered in desert dust.

My outfit
Romper: Blackmilk, Jewellery: Evelyne-M, Shoes: Vintage

Pictures: Photorhead
Styling: Greta Schoop & Me

After a break in 2020, Jacqueline Loekito returned with a new collection this year in collab with Swiss Artist Tobias Gutmann. Both creatives spent a lot of time in bed with their newborn babies in 2020, which inspired them to create a collection that evokes childhood memories.

The collection is an expression of their hopes for the future of their children Aviel and Mina (Avina). The looks remind of different bugs and crocodiles in their shapes and colours. Silhouettes and prints come from the expressive drawings of Tobias and Jacqueline Loekito translated into fashion as an expression of love.

Inclusivity and pushing past gender norms have always been one of the main topics of Jacqueline Loekito. In this collection, she expresses this as well with her choice of models. “Everybody is a superstar,” said Jacqueline and cast a group of highly diverse people who could all be characters in an absolutely fabulous but crazy fairy tale or live together at Villa Villekulla.

As one of her muses, it was a great honour for me to be part of Avina and present a unique and wonderful haute couture look with a blue leather corsage and a green laced pencil skirt. Since quite a few of the models are already dear friends, this show felt indeed like a family gathering, and I was almost tempted to say we lived happily ever after, watching Aviel and Mina become the future queens of our fashion kingdom.

@luciahunziker for @llhproductions




Daria, Miel, Edwin, Brandy, Svetlana, Fatima, Glenn, Brutus, Samantha, Dylan, Yves, Tobias, Rambo, Collin, Patric and Sara

Make up 

@n.v.y_beauty @ini_april @pendi_beauty_zone


Rubi, Nadya and Sherly

Teams in studio 

@meiliain @nabishabba @cocodereyes @baslermargrit and Victoria

Styling assistants 


Rebellion is on my mind while I dance in a red sea. Rebellion is an aggressive word, but I tell you one thing: I am rebellion, head to toe, but a different kind than you might imagine. Maybe the Troyan horse of rebellion.

If you browse through history, one thing gets clear: rebellion was often the start of something new that was necessary and good. Rebellion has a price, and often it brings a trail of destruction, riots or even blood. Rebels are put in jail, they are the heroes of rock hymns and movies, and they polarise. Are they villains or heroes or even both at the same time?

Youth is often closely connected to rebellion, seeing the world with different eyes, standing up against the system, and demanding change. Like David screaming at Goliath, “I don’t want to live in the world you imagined no more; it’s a poisoned world, I want to create my own world”.

This year, the place where this shoot took place has seen rebellion too. The red square in Saint Gall, designed by world-famous artist Pipilotti Rist became the centre of youth riots. They were protesting against the governments’ corona measures. So loud and angry were their shouts, expressing feelings of being betrayed and bored, demanding their freedom and right to party.

I still wonder why they chose the red square as the centre of their riots. Is there a connection to red being the most aggressive colour? Did they act like bulls charging when the matador waves his small red cape? I can’t say. Maybe the question would follow if we believe in random occurrences or see connections and patterns everywhere. But we don’t go down that road now since that would be a very long way. We can do that another time happily. So let’s linger with rebellion instead.

Why do I see myself as rebellion? Well, I love to question things and see everything from different perspectives. I go my own path, and how I live and look seems to offend some people. I don’t understand why: Does it hurt them? Does it affect their life in a bad way? No! I look like a walking rainbow that escaped a circus, and I tell you, it’s a life worth living! Maybe my way of rebellion is to shake that bubble that is their life just for a second.

I don’t need to put graffitis on buildings, smash shop windows or shout paroles. I detest destruction and prefer change through growth. If I don’t like my garden, I don’t burn it down, but I start to plant different flowers. A peaceful rebellion might be the most successful anyway: Aggression and violence are usually answered with more aggression and violence. But, at the same time, I might sneak in like a Troyan horse and leave you with a tiny rebellious seed planted in your mind. It might or not grow. And maybe one day, a red flower might start to blossom where it hasn’t been before.

My outfit
Dress & Cape & Hat: Maroni Vintage, Shoes: A gift, Bag & Versace Bangle: Vintage,
Sunglasses: Saint Laurent

Pictures: Photorhead
Styling: Greta Schoop & Me
Red Square by Pipilotti Rist

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