Mukzin Mermaid dress

Love or Friendship, what is more important? If you would ask teenage Sara she would say “Of course love” without a blink. Because this is what she was craving for more than anything else, just like the epic stories she spent reading during her childhood. Let’s ask the grown-up version: Was she right?

First of all, let me explain a little bit more about my teenage years: I grew up being a nerd coming home from school crying very often. The cool kids hid my stuff, hit me or shouted nasty names after me. My best friends were books, the more pages, the better. So as you can imagine, I didn’t know a lot about friendship in practice.

The same was true when it came to love. All l I heard about passionate kisses and immortal oaths of love came from stories. But no need to feel very sorry for teenage me: I was not too bothered, because I kind of knew that I would find my place, that this was just not it or the time was not here yet.

Twenty years later, the books on my bedside table became less (thank you to-do lists and Netflix), but my basket of experiences has a lot of stories to offer. I found what I was craving for, lost what I wanted most and threw away what seemed so shiny at first. Lovers helped me to become what I am and sometimes kept me from becoming more. Friends let me cry at their shoulder and became strangers again. Lovers became friends and friends became family. And so on, so on. The whole crazy mix of the life of an introvert that became a little bit extrovert and was curious to experience and hungry to feel.

With all that happened, I realised that love and friendship often blur into each other. This makes my question from the beginning unnecessary: Because what lover is a lover who isn’t a friend as well? And what friend doesn’t give and receive love? Love and friendship don’t need to be compared but are both very precious gifts, and I am grateful for every nuance of them I do experience.

To everybody out there I ever loved, to everybody who can call me at midnight because we are that kind of close, to everybody who dried my tears and made me soup when I was ill: I love you, and this is the most important thing in life! I am grateful our paths crossed and if we ever lose each other just remember: My door will never close behind you because if you managed to win a place in my heart, you’d have it forever.

You are loved, so am I.

My Outfit
Dress: Mukzinn, Shoes: Manoush, Sunglasses: H&M old, Bag: Piumelli,
Earrings: Vintage, Snake Ring: Animazul

Pictures: Marco Borromeo

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